We've had a couple of places here that sell it, either regularly or on a regular special. "Fancy fries" has been quite a trend.

I found I quite liked it - I am fond of fries and love brown gravy. It took me a while, though - my ex lived in Montreal for some time and hated it quite vocally.

(Reminds me I should go to the one place that's left and get some poutine, smoke meat, and Coffee Crisps. Coffee Crisps are like the world's best cookie/candy hybrid.)

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I heard somewhere that Brigitte Macron (who is a tiny lady who looks frail) has *quite* a grip and surprised him.

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When Trump was first "elected " and his first call was not to our PM, which is a decades long tradition, we here on Canada took note and realized it would be a weird and dangerous next four years. We were not wrong. We wished we were. The idea that we live next door and unprotected from a nation on the edge of fascism has been alarming.

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It's not been much fun living within the borders of a nation on the edge of fascism, either.

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All of which add to his yumminess quotient very bigly indeed.

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Since the rightwingers seem to think The Handmaid's Tale is a how-to guide, that does mean you'll be mostly just the safe haven we try to sneak into. D;

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Arghhh, that reminds me of a little local talk show hosted by a handsome but kinda stupid white guy, back around 2014? 2015? Anyway, one night his guest was his yoga instructor's wife. She has a bunch of masters degrees, and either had just given or was about to give a TED talk about something sexism related.... and the host asked her about what her husband was up to, then blathered on and on about how wonderful her husband was. She said very little, with a frozen polite smile, and I wanted to smack them both upside the head.

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Nice, but the oil pipeline is Trudeau's coal mine issue. He needs to shed it, pronto. I send some Floriduh sunshine Canada's way!

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They are.

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Everyone on the left supported the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions of early 2011 because these countries were considered U.S. allies. But the campists opposed pro-democracy uprisings in Libya and Syria, even though these revolts were driven by the same economic and political grievances--and clearly inspired by the revolts in Tunisia and Egypt.

Why? Because the dictatorships that masses of people were rebelling against could be depicted as "anti-imperialist" opponents of the U.S.

In reality, both the Libyan and Syrian regimes had been "frenemies" of Western imperialism--sometimes collaborating with and at other times dissenting from the designs of the U.S. government and its European allies. And both regimes were happy to work with Russian and Chinese imperialism. In no way can they be accurately categorized as "anti-imperialist."

Libya's Muammar el-Qaddafi curried favor with Europe by acting as a border patrol for the EU, stopping North Africans from crossing the Mediterranean Sea and imprisoning large numbers of them in his country's gulag.

As for Assad in Syria, his dictator father joined the first "coalition of nations" for the U.S.-led Gulf War against Saddam Hussein's Iraq in 1991. Bashar al-Assad got his chance to collaborate with a Bush during the "war on terror" years after 2001, when prisoners of war were smuggled into Syrian jails to be tortured for information and then returned to U.S. custody.

At one point, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton went so far as to call Assad a "reformer" worthy of engagement.


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Yeah, what is it with him and that damn pipeline? Does he need the Albertan vote that bad? (And do Albertans really not care if their land gets trashed to extract this shit?)

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hard same. Poutine is degusting. The whole point of fries is the crispiness, and that goes away almost immediately upon dumping the glop on top.

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It's like we're living in The Jetsons!

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And smart as hell. And loves and respects his wife.

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