Amen, DZ...amen. I just happen to be reading Witches Abroad (for the zilllionth time). I got a chuckle thinking about Bachman trying to explain her positions to Granny Weatherwax.

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Ooooohhhhhh, when I heard about smoking salmon I wondered how they roll joints without fingers. I guess no one minds if the joint gets all slimy, so there's that.

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Up fists for you and BerkelyBear PLUS I will follow my fellow Pratchettphiles anywhere.

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Wasn't there some kind of "you know you're gay if" thing where if you identified the words salmon, sage, and peach as colors instead of food? Was Hopey sending a shout out to the gheys?

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Simple free association: Salmon = dead fish = stench = tea party = government train wreck

Salmon is the metaphor for our political woes. <i>Man, I'm so sick of hearing about all that salmon.</i>

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They did a comic sans-esque font for the independents comic sans word box <a href="http://www.wordle.net/show/..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.wordle.net/show/wrdl/3040589/State_Of_...">http://www.wordle.net/show/...

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Is there such a thing?

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A few years ago I went to a "comedy" improv show. One of the players called out to the audience for an emotion they could riff on. The first person to shout out said "moist".

Moist - it seems our country has crossed the event horizon of the irretrievably stupid black hole.

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big bipartisan sounds vaguely dirty.

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