"the issue of illegals is one of the biggest that face us today"Turn. Off. The. TV. Go. Outside. Breathe.

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They're only called American Thinkerth by people who lisp.

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nah, that's just when trumpy files his yooge voter fraud lawsuit and sacrifices a goat and possibly some virgins to re-animate dead scalia for a ruling.

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which one does he get?

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There's someone on the Bernie thread from yesterday who is going on and on about this. Maybe we should redirect him here. That thread has too many posts as it is.

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He does so well with lawsuits, at least that what he keeps telling his supporters.

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American thinker - not much any truth in that advertizing.

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Benghazi. He was the practice run.

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In college, I took a class called Sin and Sexuality in Literature (it was a very popular class). Our first assignment was to break out into groups and evaluate the content and style of a selection of letters to Penthouse.

Like all of the other chicks in our group, I was absolutely shocked to find that every single guy in our group thought they were real letters written by real women. These guys argued with us vociferously for hours about how we were wrong to say that real women don't talk about their bodies the way that they did in the letters, and they were outraged at the idea that the letters were fake and followed a formula.

In the end, after hours of argument, I think we only managed to convince maybe half of the guys in our group that these were not actual stories of actual events...and other groups reported the same results. It was pretty stunning.

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Pffffft you libruls and your fancy "facts" and "reality." Like real Amurkins care about that...

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And the desk assistant wasn't locked in the gym overnight with the horny ladies oiling the exercise equipment?

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"assumes facts not in evidence" yadda yadda.

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We’re not even sure who David Prentice is.

I imagine a scene something like this:

Flunky: I've finished typing up your submission for American Thinker Mr. Trump. But I have one concern sir. You've indicated that you want it posted under the name John Miller but, with all due respect sir, everyone is aware that you've used that name in the past to...

Donald Trump (inturrupting): OK. OK. Just submit it under the name John Baron then.

F: Ummm, Sir? The press is on to the name John Baron too. They...

DT: Hmmm. I know, Make it David Baron...or David Miller...or Miller Baron..... Wait. What's your name dear?

F: Debra Prentice sir....I've been working for you for 7 yea...

DT: That's good! But we can't use a chick name. Make it David Prentice. They'll never figure that out.

F: Yes sir....as you wi....

DT: Oh, and by the way. You're fired.

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Yeah, and he had the vocabulary of a 4th grader, like that kid that sits in the back of the class room eating his boogers, right? Then, at recess would push little kids to the ground from behind and stick dirt clods in your, I mean their mouth. A vocabulary that was easy to understand with a BAC 10 times the legal limit.

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It's old news. Really fucking old news. We all know about it and made our peace with it way back when. Besides I don't understand how Bill's fiasco becomes Hillary's problems. It's a silly, desperate argument

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