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And fire them on whim!

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And employers demanding a graduate degree for the deli counter guys.

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A Pigturducken?

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Let's get out The Big Book of British Smiles...

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Clarification alert: Hugh O'Neill's date of death was July 19, 2020. The Eater article was from March 15, 2021, written as a recap of the first year of the original Covid virus and those who passed away from that virus.

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This is somewhat the situation I found myself in before the pandemic, when I learned that I was eligible to start collecting a pension from a job I had held previously with the state. Once I calculated and decided to take the highest amount offered (until age 62), I gave my notice to the $13 hr. job and all of the corporate pettiness it was tied up in; I was never one to buy into that "we're like FAMILY!"--Fuck your "Employees Are Special Day" stale cookies and let me get my work done.

I've no regrets so far about leaving the workplace with a paltry 401k and modest savings. And yet, without the nickel and dime expenses of gas for the commute, "work wardrobe" makeup, lunch, coffee, and so many other related expenses I find I'm actually coming out ahead and saving more of my pension money than I ever saved collecting a paycheck. A Happy Ending, far as I'm concerned.

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No, they want power and are willing to kill US for it.

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And their followers, why discriminate?

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When I started reading this article, I was thinking to quote that tweet. Now I realize Stephen is probably who made me aware of it in the first place. Even if, as at least one response to it noted, many of the deaths were in the 70+ range, that's still a hit on the work force; not to mention those incapacitated by long covid. And likely their caregivers as well.

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Nope. Busy getting my family to Europe. Once there I will happily look for employment.

Good luck, America. I’m too old for this fight this time. We out.

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Yeah, at least they're equal opportunity mass murderers.

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As a Canadian who lives next to a green space where Canada geese spend most of their time, I can attest to all these attributes.

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Not to mention a lot of service workers are now also getting harassed and/or assaulted by violent anti-maskers on top of all of the other reasons people don't want to go back to a shitty job with shitty pay in the middle of a pandemic.

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Welcome back. Glad to have you on my continent. Fair warning: Stupidity is universal, there're idiots here too.

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No doubt. Just seems to have more hope and opportunity at your end, though. The ship is sinking over here.

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