A valid point...the teatards are more idealogues. The rest of the rethugs catering to them and not just being their normal brand of selfish pricks significantly contributed to this clusterfuck.
Sans snark: selfish. That's my fucking word for the torrent of bullshit idiocy on the part of the rethugs and appeasement on the part of the dems. Nobody seems to give a flying fuck about anything but kissing the right asses to keep the funds coming in and a pretty office in the District. Last time I checked, the job description included representing all your constituents. Obviously, I'm a naïf.
Cheesy tot moms eat their young!
More or less commenting on the measurability of popular opinion, but as an unintended secondary point, that works too.
How many just called it "depressing", before ordering their fourth drink of the evening?
Hoover because he sucks the oxygen out of his base?
A valid point...the teatards are more idealogues. The rest of the rethugs catering to them and not just being their normal brand of selfish pricks significantly contributed to this clusterfuck.
It's really rather sad that Obama would be a better president if we were better people.
I'm a fan of ass-grabbing-shit-show-fiasco. Wonder if WaPo allowed hyphens.
You broke my spell checker.
Did anyone use Crap-O-Rama?
This kind of thing leaves me gagged, tortured, and violated.
Sans snark: selfish. That's my fucking word for the torrent of bullshit idiocy on the part of the rethugs and appeasement on the part of the dems. Nobody seems to give a flying fuck about anything but kissing the right asses to keep the funds coming in and a pretty office in the District. Last time I checked, the job description included representing all your constituents. Obviously, I'm a naïf.
I know know why I upfisted this...perhaps its minimalist symmetry?
Come now, although it predates the erection that precipitated my entry on scene, the 7 words is classic.
Before drinking: Angry
After drinking: Still angry
This is serious because I'm usually a happy drunk.
oh jim is back. I hope this means we're in trouble again.
Me, too, DBB. Perhaps, I just need to keep trying. I'm not some teatard-grifter-quitter-cunt, after all.