That's what we said about the Donald

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nope you're absolutely right. that repub house majority is not going away for at least 3 house election cycles.

find your solace in booze.

(but the government is not going to be shut down. i am tired of saying this).

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the govenment is not going to shut down tomorrow. at the risk of repeating myself, this was the price of boehner's resignation.

now, in 3 months or 2 years, who knows? if we don't get rid of the baggers, all bets are off. on the other other hand, bagger base is way old, way white and dying. 2 years from now they may all be in nursing homes with flocked wallpaper more worried about garlic on the mashed potatoes than voting.

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You're right, but expatCanuck's point remains: They've successfully insulated themselves from any political fallout that their America-hating would normally expose them to, and they know it, which is why they want to do it again.

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See Kim Davis, who is given credit for being a martyr while sacrificing not one damn thing. Her time in the pokey? Wow, how bad she had it...as if Rosa Parks risked such a cushy punishment....Kim Davis is well-funded and protected, unlike real heroes like Ms. Parks.

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Deleiden and his co-conspirators might take the 5th, but his bullshit organization cannot. That's one point where corporations are definitely NOT people (sorry, Mitt.) They'll have to turn over whatever "corporate" documents the government subpoenas, which will be AOT,K.

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The Fucks Gnus audience is shrinking, which means fewer deluded fools among the electorate. The Dems need to make sure that everyone outside of the wingnut echo chamber hears and understands the truth.

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That's the Pullet Surprise for Snark.

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Yeah, and boy Gowdy do they ever use it.

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The only way to stop these insane 'shutdowns' is to not pay Congress during them.

*Shutdown Congress Paychecks As Well.*

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It'll sure hurt them if they don't get payed during each and every shutdown!

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Okay so to rehash, wingnuts (mostly Ted Cruz) shut down the government in 2013, people blamed them and in 2014 they lost all their seats, right? Americans are dumb, really, really dumb. I won't believe that the ANYTHING the GOP ever does will cost them anything until I see it obviously cost them something....Democrats lost Congress over giving people health care. Republicans gained control of Congress after their bullshit hijinks which resulted in nothing. Maybe I'm just a cynic, someone talk me down from the ledge.

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That is some fine writin' there.

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You're not a cynic. Americans are dumb. Our media is a disgrace and continues to give these bankrupt, cynical assholes an unquestioned platform. When a tree lies in the forest and no one calls it out, has it really lied?

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"To menny numberz." - Rick Perry

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I don't have enough fists for all the upfisting I want to do for this.

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