"Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush tops the possible field for the Republican Party’s nomination race, followed by Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and former neurosurgeon Ben Carson all in a tight cluster."

This made me scream laughing.

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Be still my heart.

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Old fashioned progressives wouldn't scream, but viable and CAP democrats, and certainly corporate news media, might prefer Nader bashing any leftists what with all their guaranteed wage raising policies, like full employment, tax and trade policies preventing the 1% from hurting growth and wages, and scoring the short term profits of a globalized gig economy. News media calls Obama and Hillary Clinton liberals, and anyone else who colors within the lines of CAP's middle class economics report for Davos.

But anyone who supports policies guaranteed to raise wages is reported as just not a viable candidate. See public policies 8-11 in EPI's latest list, below. If your public policy proposals fully support these, news media finds you lack enough campaign donations and/or are too populist, too progressive, too liberal, too radical, too leftist, too idealist, too perfectionist against the good, or even a socialist.


tl;dr: workers and public welfare are less powerful than money and TV news..

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Magnetic propulsion? Hey, if they can build a water coaster, they can build a damned mag-lev train. L.A. could use a couple of those.

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RBG: "Hey, someone tell those frat boys with the cameras over there to take a hike!"

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RBG: "You college fraternity boys are planning on posting this photo where?!?"

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I get the 'Damn, we need water' paradigm that the desert of L.A. faces every day. What I have issues with is some dink in Wisconsin Dells is pumping millions of gallons per day to give a FIB a little bit of ya-ya at the cost of arsenic poisoning to all the locals. Wisconsin means 'waters meet' & no shit, we got a lot. Whether you want to drink it or not is sadly up to Scotty.

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Notorious RBG is having none of your "selfie" shit.

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I wonder if any college administrators have noted that drinking and acting like a#$holes is not limited to Fraternity guys. Although, it would appear that most Frat guys believe Animal House was a training film.

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Sigh..it's Hillz or a fascist. And the ghosts in the machines will still elect the fascist. We're fucked, peeps.

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I imagine that the parking lot at the water coaster park is HUGE, too.

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The Ruth? You can't handle the Ruth!

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RBG: Who farted?

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When I was in Los Angeles last week there were so many lawn sprinklers. Seriously people.

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Don't worry, they can just siphon some more water away from Mono Lake www.monolake.org .... oh, wait....

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RBG: "Don't fuck with me or my bitches. Seriously, I will cut you bro!"

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