I predicted back in December this would be like the fifty-ninth year of kindergarten. I was wrong.

They're not grown-up enough for kindergarten.

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they're in advanced monkey 101 : how to make the shit you smear on the wall look important!

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Why would they start now?

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In black, I hope. It is SO slimming, and sets off blonde hair and blue eyes so perfectly.

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interesting . . . shutting down DHS will send the Secret Service who protect the President home . . . but won't affect the Capitol Police who protect congresscritters.

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Not to fear.They have worked out a deal with the Cliven Bundy crowd to fill the gap.Freedom for free.What can go wrong?

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There's a thing in your profile called "full name", which turns out to be "screen name". It worked for me. And Dashboard Buddha.

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Give the red states enough time and Guillermo will have some competition from Jethro. And Lurleen, if one is inclined to hire a couple.

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No. Federal government workers do not do snappy uniforms. They either dress to clean out the garage or as if they're on their way to a funeral.

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Ah, you obviously didn't see the White House guards during Tricky Dicky's regime.

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Up-voted for "selfservatives". Very apt.

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I subscribe to a similar axiom, but with one subtle distinction:

"Hate the vote, mercilessly deride and ridicule the fecal-cephalic voter who cast it."

No, I don't win many converts that way, but it's fun.

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Is it okay to blame the moranic twitnitty peoples that elected these republiputzes too, also?

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Fuck Homeland Security. When are they going to repeal Obamacare and investigate Benghazi!?!!!

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Will shutting down DHS keep BiBi from speaking to congress?

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