I'd be worried about Pawlenty as the GOP 2012 nominee...if I thought he actually had a chance of getting the nomination. The fact that he and Mittens' terms as governor were so unpopular probably won't be enough to dissuade people from voting for them, but their lack of wingnut drawing power might keep them off the fall ballot.

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Since I'm not a Republican, a woman's physical attractiveness has no influence on my desire to vote for her.

This is fortunate because while Bachmann is no Salma Hayek, <a href="http:\/\/images.publicradio.org\/content\/2009\/06\/15\/20090615_klobuchar_33.jpg" target="_blank">Klobuchar is just fugly</a>.

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Apparently Minnesotan and Jewish means something altogether different. Than Michele, I mean.

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Hysteria as a diagnostic term was retired because its root meaning of "uterus" was offensive and too specific. "Histrionic" is the current substitute, with the root meaning of "actor."

My considered diagnosis is that Ms. Bachman suffers from Santorum's Disease.

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By "test the waters" do you mean she's going to try to walk on them?

If so, she'd best be sure it's less than 32 F outside - which shouldn't be a problem in Minnesota...

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