Not me, I'd be like, 'Why do you want to know about missile codes? Oh, you're studying numerology. Ok, here's the codes. You should do great in your classes! Can we have sex now?'

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dude....Whore Island is soooooooo a place....wait...we're still talking in the Archer universe...this universe?....not so much an island as it's a building.we have a Whore Building..aka...Trump Tower.

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To me, THAT will be the interesting bit. As long as the Republicans hold Congress, none of these traitors will be brought to justice. However, I hope that enough of their crimes are made public so that national revulsion will end the Russo-Republican junta's federal deathgrip.

Let's return the GOP and its base to their proper status of ever-shrinking lunatic-fringe minority...

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You sweet talker.

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Classic. Funny how they all look like Prince Charles.

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You can't go to work for actual Goldfinger and fancy yourself the James Bond in this scenario.

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So who's the asshole in the suit in that picture, anyway? That guy looks shady as hell.

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Not everybody is named Sasha. There are a few Mishas out there as well. Of course, only one of them is Supernatural.

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I worry about Trump abusing his pardon power, though.

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Awwwwww! She was not in fact related to Pootpootpootsi? Was she also not a Nigerian Princess? This is sooooooooo tragic. Poor guy.

Admittedly, given my age and appearance, I have a hard time getting a date but if some Perfesser dragged a slinky Russian lady across my trail looking for all the world like bait, I might be, let's just say, cautious.

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I know that you don't have to, exactly, be at the top of the intelligence curve to be in government / be a criminal / be under indictment, but dayum! I expected better of our elected officials than just something this transparent. Anywho, any more about "you know who's" e-mails? That should turn this whole story around and get us back to being great again!

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Republicans' capacity for blindness to their own party's dishonesty makes democracy pretty much impossible.

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Motherfuckers Are Getting Awaywithit

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