<i>It feels like how the pediatrician talks to the child, not the parents.</i>

More gin-fueled ramblings after her usual three martini breakfast.

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We SHOULDN'T need an Ebola Czar, he's right; we should have a goddamn Surgeon General that hasn't been been blocked by the Teapartiots.

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Travel bans just make people really creative. Ergo why the mouthbreather's don't understand why they don't work.

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WTF with the "czar" thing. Do we a) not know what that word means? and b) do we not remember what happened to the last real czar?

Stop. It.

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Uh, this plague of stupid you fear is not just hypothetical. It's been with us for a while. Actually, it's the heart of Wonkette's business model.

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If Mitt had been elected, we wouldn't be reading pundit columns that read like these do.

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What has carbonite done to deserve that?

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wingnut madlibs

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Dear Pegster, remember back in 1981 when the AIDS crisis first started here? Remember how well that real leader, Saint Ronald of Reagan jumped right in to combat that crisis and save American lives? Why by 1987 he actually admitted it was a problem and got around to doing something about it. Only 21,000 people had died at that point. Why can't Obola be more of a real president like that?

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Fournier is right about one thing- we shouldn't need an Ebola Czar. That should be the job of the Surgeon General. Too bad <strike>the Republicans the NRA </strike> Obama is playing politics with the nomination. I'll be patiently awaiting your dozen or so columns explaining this predicament to your readers, as well as the columns explaining how the constant cutbacks to funding for critical departments have put us far behind schedule in developing that Ebola vaccine and building enough critical care containment facilities or doing the necessary research to best combat the disease

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Sister Peggy Noonan is the patron saint of drunken hypocrisy.

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Notice how extremely versatile conservatives have shown themselves to be. When it was obvious that the Supreme Court wasn't going to kill Obamacare, everyone was an expert on constitutional law. When the Supreme Court decided not to hear the appeals regarding same-sex marriage bans, everyone was an expert on states' rights. And now that Obama can in their fevered minds be blamed for Ebola, everyone is an expert on epidemiology. Too bad they aren't so great at predicting the future.

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Not sure if ISIS or Ebola is the greatest threat to me. (and what about members of ISIS with Ebola?) May just have to lock the door and curl up under the desk.

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So, does Ron Fournier want Ebola coordination to be done on a part time basis, or does he want the President of the United Dtates to dedicate 100% of his time and focus to a thing that has happened a total of 2 times in the history of the nation.

Also if Dame Peggington of Gofuckyourselfwithacactusborough thinks the nation will remain sympathetic to West Africa after we have comforted ourselves by preventing mythical flights from there, I direct her to the chorus of screeching howler monkeys' reaction to the news that we were sending troops there to provide assistance with their disease response, or to the news that infected American citizens helping out over there were being repatriated for treatment. Very recent history proves her a liar.

Hang the editor hang the editor hang the editor. Hang the editor!

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