Taking Lingle's point to its logical conclusion, I want to know how could Elizabeth Edwards have supported John Edwards in 2004 and 2008?

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before the bagger era, was there ever a period in american history with this many flat out unqualified idiots running for (or actually in) congress?

i mean, there probably has (i don't know amer hist at all well), but it sure seems like we've reaching new lows.

anyway, it's fucking depressing and as somebody said here a few days back, after this election (working for both bamz AND tammy) i'm done getting this involved.

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Appropriate attire: barefoot. Chained to stove.

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Whoa! I'd have to agree.

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Yeah...to some people those are points in her favor.

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That was no lady; that was Lindsey Graham.

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I like how the only thing that Joe Walsh said without drawing boos was that he had no business running for Congress.

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How do these people look at themselves in the mirror when they get up in the morning? Do they have a "decent human being" mask that they assume beforehand?

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Even out in the dreary exurban flats northwest of Chicago which comprise Walsh's district, it's hard to imagine how 38 percent of likely voters could support this douche bag over an estimable Iraq War veteran like Duckworth.

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Or, come to think of it, John Kerry.

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