Personally, I'd keep your eyes on <a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2012\/05\/10\/nyregion\/ultra-orthodox-jews-shun-their-own-for-reporting-child-sexual-abuse.html\?pagewanted=all" target="_blank">The Jooz</a>.

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<blockquote>Apparently, he was sick the day they taught community property in law school.</blockquote>

Or maybe he was there when they mentioned that Michigan isn't a community property state.

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Marion Berry is laughing at how straight-edge this guy is.

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His ideas about electoral theft were in...uh tree?..guing to them, and they would like to subscribe to his newsletter.

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I know old white men have, for years, been telling black people to pull their pants up, but that's going too far.

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Too bad he's not a Republican, cuz then he'd be looking at a Congressional seat (at least), or maybe some cool $$$ lobbying gig. Dumbass.

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