What the heck did G0PCrusher say, to make the very mention of his name punishable by deletion?

To become, literally, He Who Must Not Be Named, is an impressive feat!

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Throwing white people of of their suburban McMansions is unacceptable. Evicting brown people from their hovels, not so much.

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Let's just say that I can get them for you wholesale.

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Be sure to put everything on a credit card... maybe you can stick it to the bank a second time!

I'm intrigued by the notion that we can "cut the United States' true debt burden" by the simple expedient of swiping money from the banks... while simultaneoulsy insisting that they maintain a healthier capital/asset ratio.

It's the new Democratic strategy: trying to out-stupid the Republicans.

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Just "erasing" debt is a profoundly stupid idea. The real ripoff is banks' refusal to refinance loans at lower rates. They'd rather collect interest from you at 8% or 10%, while sucking up federal funds at 1%. Want to refinance your mortgage? "Sorry, we now require 50% down. Only rich people get our 4% mortgages."

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Money is better spent distributing free or low cost antidepressants to the poor (for which the government pays full price) to help the struggling pharmaceutical sector. Merck, Eli Lilly, etc are people too!

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Not to be too judgmental, but if you haven't paid off your student loans in your 50s--30 +/- years after graduation, something went haywire somewhere.

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I don't wanna sound crass, but this country could use a good famine. Have you seen the size of our asses lately? And don't get me started about plate sizes.

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A $5000 contribution to the right candidate ought to get that ball rolling.

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To this day, I do not get calls about my student loans. Because I repaid them <i>with interest</i>. Take my advise Young People: An art history degree from state college is your ticket to success.

(Note to self: Don't loan Young People money.)

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