That Erick Erickson can say that and not lose whatever job he has as a…journalist? Pundit? is very telling. Also too, how soon until this wannabe rapist is outed on social media? He’s in New York City!! Someone is bound to know who he is and I look forward to him being dragged to hell and back.
Someone should ask Black folks how much they would like the Civil Rights Act repealed and the decision on their place in society being thrown to the tender mercies of the states
First of all we do NOT live in Upstate - we live in Central NY, the Southern Tier, Western NY, the Catskills, the North Country, the Mohawk Valley, the Capital District, and the Mid-Hudson Valley
The point being by calling all of what is called by some upstate and by stating it is all southern, you totally invalidate your point.Yes, some of those regions I mentioned can be conservative, but not all of them.Just because many people in NY City (which I love, by the way) wish to lump us all together does not mean all the rest of us are the same.
I've had "dry spells," same as any other living, breathing person. Never blamed it on the opposite gender, though. Should I have? Is that the only reasonable solution? These f**king people...
If you think that an embryo is a full human being, then, of course, killing it would be murder. Neither common sense or science supports that concept, but if it were true, saying "my body, my choice" could cover actions like murder. The argument of body autonomy only works if you don't consider it murder.
Then, keep in mind that vaccine and mask mandates are trying to keep someone from hurting other people by shedding obnoxious germs on them. We have a "no spitting on other people" mandate for the same reason. And we have other mandates for the public good (more or less) such as you have to wear clothes in public. If you go to work naked, you will probably be fired. We have mandates forcing people to do or not do things ALL THE TIME.
However, there is no mandate forcing you to wear clothes in the privacy of your house (assuming the windows are covered) or the privacy of your doctor's office (little paper "gowns" not withstanding). And although there are consequences if you ignore a vaccine mandate, we do not hold people down and give them a shot against their will. And, as abused as it was, there were loopholes for those who sincerely feared for their immortal souls.
Anti-abortion laws, however, are forced-pregnancy laws even in non-public, private situations. They viscously hold a person's body hostage for up to 9 months in a situation that is arduous at best and deadly at worst. They FORCE a women's body to go through situations that range from uncomfortable, to medically life changing, to heavy with social and psychological consequences.
These laws are not to protect the general public. They're not to keep women from shedding abortion cooties on other people. They are strictly to impose other people's religious and moral believes on women's bodies, on you. Which would be righteous if embryos were human beings, but they aren't.
To me, that's the core of the autonomy issue. But as you can see, it doesn't make for a good protest sign.
That does help, thank you. I hadn’t recognized that my autonomy argument hinged on fetal personhood, because in my mind it’s so obviously not that I took it for granted. I read a quote somewhere that said “it’s not about whether you believe a fetus is a person, it’s whether you think a woman is,” and that has stuck with me. Thanks for your help clarifying my position.
That Erick Erickson can say that and not lose whatever job he has as a…journalist? Pundit? is very telling. Also too, how soon until this wannabe rapist is outed on social media? He’s in New York City!! Someone is bound to know who he is and I look forward to him being dragged to hell and back.
They'll probably think that it's the Cross of Lorraine, and therefore affiliated with some sort of secret code from Hungary and Viktor Orban.
Someone should ask Black folks how much they would like the Civil Rights Act repealed and the decision on their place in society being thrown to the tender mercies of the states
First of all we do NOT live in Upstate - we live in Central NY, the Southern Tier, Western NY, the Catskills, the North Country, the Mohawk Valley, the Capital District, and the Mid-Hudson Valley
The point being by calling all of what is called by some upstate and by stating it is all southern, you totally invalidate your point.Yes, some of those regions I mentioned can be conservative, but not all of them.Just because many people in NY City (which I love, by the way) wish to lump us all together does not mean all the rest of us are the same.
When freedom is particular, when it is enjoyed only by the few, NOBODY is free. Including the few.
Lunatics and/or lobotomites.
Or Fox News viewers.
"These people," indeed. These f**king people.
That sounds cromulent to me.
I've had "dry spells," same as any other living, breathing person. Never blamed it on the opposite gender, though. Should I have? Is that the only reasonable solution? These f**king people...
If you think that an embryo is a full human being, then, of course, killing it would be murder. Neither common sense or science supports that concept, but if it were true, saying "my body, my choice" could cover actions like murder. The argument of body autonomy only works if you don't consider it murder.
Then, keep in mind that vaccine and mask mandates are trying to keep someone from hurting other people by shedding obnoxious germs on them. We have a "no spitting on other people" mandate for the same reason. And we have other mandates for the public good (more or less) such as you have to wear clothes in public. If you go to work naked, you will probably be fired. We have mandates forcing people to do or not do things ALL THE TIME.
However, there is no mandate forcing you to wear clothes in the privacy of your house (assuming the windows are covered) or the privacy of your doctor's office (little paper "gowns" not withstanding). And although there are consequences if you ignore a vaccine mandate, we do not hold people down and give them a shot against their will. And, as abused as it was, there were loopholes for those who sincerely feared for their immortal souls.
Anti-abortion laws, however, are forced-pregnancy laws even in non-public, private situations. They viscously hold a person's body hostage for up to 9 months in a situation that is arduous at best and deadly at worst. They FORCE a women's body to go through situations that range from uncomfortable, to medically life changing, to heavy with social and psychological consequences.
These laws are not to protect the general public. They're not to keep women from shedding abortion cooties on other people. They are strictly to impose other people's religious and moral believes on women's bodies, on you. Which would be righteous if embryos were human beings, but they aren't.
To me, that's the core of the autonomy issue. But as you can see, it doesn't make for a good protest sign.
Beetletheknee, did that help at all?
There's nothing in the Constitution about Civil Rights, so out it goes!
That does help, thank you. I hadn’t recognized that my autonomy argument hinged on fetal personhood, because in my mind it’s so obviously not that I took it for granted. I read a quote somewhere that said “it’s not about whether you believe a fetus is a person, it’s whether you think a woman is,” and that has stuck with me. Thanks for your help clarifying my position.
Thanks. I think that’s what I was trying yo say with the common good idea, just not articulated as clearly.