These young people just don't realize yet that since they didn't vote, all the teabaggers got elected and will now expect them to work three jobs, including "every night shift you can imagine" ala John Boehner, leaving them little time for enjoyable pursuits, like dancing on teevee shows and sliding up and down their boyfriend's hockey sticks.

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The second comment by Donna Ferrel Hov: <i>"... much of Bristol's generation has absolutely no idea about sacrifice or hard work.</i>

True enough, I suppose. Also true of Bristol's parent's generation. Here's a test of sacrifice (suggested by Michael Kinsley in The Atlantic): retire the National Debt for our children and grandchildren. That will require <i>sacrifice</i> and <i>hard work</i> in the form of vastly reduced social security, medicare benefits; higher taxes (as with no over 65 deduction).

So who's up for some sacrifice and hard work? Anybody? Anybody?

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She mistook the song title "Dance Like No One's Watching" for a lifetime goal, so possibly she was thinking "Vote like no one's watching...no, don't vote like no one's watching...no, don't vote unless everyone is watching..."

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Jeff ("Jefferson B.") Miller is the five-term congressman from Florida's First District. He succeeded Joe ("Morning Joe") Scarborough.

Miller does not wear a toupee, as does Scarborough, or greasy-looking stubble, as does Joe Miller. Jeff Miller, in fact, recently lost his porn star <a href="http:\/\/www.nndb.com\/people\/061\/000039941\/" target="_blank">moustache</a>.

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"Don't ask me -- I'm just a girl!" -Malibu Stacy

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