Gotta run as a GOPer tho.

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Send them a nice chocolate cake made with Ex-Lax.

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He never wore cowboy hats on the melon farm.

They started that shit after Ammonoboy was filmed kicking that police dog.

I am still waiting for some kkkultist to show me a case where a black guy kicked a police dog and didn't get charged with anything.

Do wonder what kind of hat his brother was wearing when his dad dropped that Ford LTD on his head. And then laughed about it. Before lifting the car up. And then not taking the kid to the doctor who might have been able to save the nerve in his face.

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Lucky so far that only that Tarpboy idiot got himself killed.

Sad that the Oregon State Police shot that guy in the back NOT ENOUGHT TIMES!!!!

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That little maggot who made the video complaining about it was so special!

His arrest video was funnier. Funnier still was the "daddy swore an oath" video he sent to his kids to explain why he was spending the holidays with his boyfriends instead of his family.

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It's about that monstrously bullshit "deseret".

Ammonoboy the Goat Buggerer only wants to be a big shot in the kkkult.

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They have to live off their own tax dollars!

That will work good, right?

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He should have tried and convicted for the felony murder of Lavoy "Tarpboi" Finicum.

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If the mormokkkult tells them not to vote for Ammonoboy the Goat Buggerer they won't.

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Ammonoboy the Goat Buggerrer also kicks dogs.

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Ammonoboy the Goat Buggerer is back!

Where's Squishy? What happened to that LTD?

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Melon ranch.

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It would have given Tarpboi's life purpose. Instead, he's just worm shit.

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I hope that the entire Q infrastructure and Trump decide that the Republicans are shit. I hope they start a third party that is as toxic to the Republicans, as dangerous to their electoral prospects as the Greens are to everything progressive and Democratic. I hope Trump runs third party and keeps all the money.

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Let's stop playing around, Idahoans, vote Aryan nationalist griftian-identity white supremacist Nazi 'Independent'.

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His brother got his head run over by daddy (or maybe it was aunt mommy, who knows?), and has since suffered from "bell's palsy" (though I wondered how muscle paralysis did such thorough work on rearranging bone structures). But hey, incest is best, as long as yer keepin' it in the family....and incest is part and parcel of the plyg lifestyle.

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