They define the word “evil.”

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I feel so badly for the baby, that was quite nearly starved to death, whose parents remain convinced that they are righteous wonderful competent people..

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The problem is that these guys all love to FA a lot, and there's not enough FO to dissuade them from doing so as if there was a whole lot more of FO, like WAY more, then they would be to busy FO to even find the time for more FA.

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I have been saying for years that hitting them in their wallets is the best way to get them to shut up. Ultimately, all these people care about is money, and once you take it away, it's amazing how fast they stop making other people's lives miserable.

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he's not going to pay tho - he's going to use it to further his message of persecution and grift - i don't disagree that we need to drag these assholes thru the court and show them for what they are, but there is no way this tit is going to acknowledge he's done wrong and his supporters will see it as proof that he was right

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Yeah, but if he doesn't pay, he risks his bank accounts being garnished, personal property at risk, his credit tanking, all kinds of nasty stuff that makes life just that more unpleasant. And sure, he's rich, so he can probably afford lawyers to fight and delay this until the second coming.

However--and this is the key factor--most of these people can't. They're going to get sued, and they're going to lose everything. And then the next group will get sued, and lose everything, too. And all this is going to be reported in the media. Eventually, it'll get to the point where these people are going to be legitimately afraid to stick their necks out because there's no martyrdom in losing a lawsuit. Going to prison for your ideals has a long-established nobility to it. A judge saying "this person deserves to profit because you were a douchebag" speaks right to the heart of the true, secret cult of this country, Capitalism, and even though there will be people who shake their heads in sympathy for what's happened to you, there's a subconscious, niggling understanding that it's not that you were framed, you were just caught.

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i get what you're saying i do, but in bundy's case he'll probably pull another siege (cos the last one was so fun) and put lives at risk

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That's what happened to the KKK. They were sued by one of their victims' mother and the mother won, and one of the largest chapters had to file bankruptcy. They never paid her any money but she still wanted to establish a precedent.

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That piece of human garbage should be fined just for existing.

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But enough about Barbra Streisand!

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Just made my second post on substack - https://markadowdy.substack.com/p/reacting-to-an-article-about-kritiks

It's a response article to a different article on slowboring.com, where you can't comment without being a paid subscriber. As always, crititiques (editorial and topical) and conversation is welcome. Drive me some traffic! I need to know if I'm any good at this...

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Listening to Dinah Washington's "Long John Blues", and I feel like there's a hidden message in this song somewhere, but I just can't suss it out


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It is super important to pay attention to stupid people doing stupid things. The stupid things they do affect everyone eventually and they usually cost taxpayers the legal cost of dealing with their stupidity.

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sQuirrels, sQuirrels everywhere.

I'm not quite sure why that came to mind.

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I would like to point out that the picture taken of Streisand’s home was part of an environmental project, taken from about a mile away, to document the ecological degradation of the CA coastline. Literally every mile of the coastline was photographed and no one would have noticed or even known that was her house if she hadn’t made a stink about it (and made meme history). It was tantamount to suing Google Earth because your house appears in one of their satellite pictures.

I love Ms Streisand (and you too Robyn) but (IMO) this was an unfortunate error on her part.


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Streisand did it to herself in this case.

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I’m on my first European trip and headed from London (which was a very cool city - coming from the US it looks like a movie set) and headed to Amsterdam. Any suggestions on fun stuff to do? (Non-sex worker edition, it’s a family trip)

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if you are there for more than a day, hop over to Utrecht (train link is easy) and climb the Dom tower - worth the climb and the view. Also I recommend going to the markets (in both places) and finding a nice cafe to sit and people watch - there are a ton of museums (listed in other comments below) and canal tours are worth the time too (you avoid the bikes which can be deadly) - remember that cyclists always have right of way

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Absolutely the Van Gogh. The most memorable museum I've ever visited.

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The Van Gogh museum is key (mentioned below) as is the Rijksmuseum https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/en . Both are in the Museumplein and you can spend a day between both.

I recommend the Rembrandt House and the Anne Frank museum, which may be impossible to get tickets for, unfortunately -- check online NOW for both the Anne Frank and Van Gogh museums.

I suggest an open-boat (no top) canal cruise, and you can take trams almost anywhere.

Just watch your step when walking around the city -- bike riders have dedicated lanes and NO FEAR AT ALL. Look three times in all directions when crossing a street. If you are walking with small children, keep hold of their hand at all times. I picked up a toddler a few weeks ago who had strayed just off the sidewalk, and was about to get hit.

If you want a contact high, just stand outside an active 'coffee shop' for about 10 minutes.

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I second these museum suggestions (I didn’t get to the Rembrandt House on my trips) and would also highly recommend the Dutch Resistance Museum: https://www.verzetsmuseum.org/en/world-war-ii-in-the-netherlands

In the years since I visited I’ve wished I could send people who spout fascist ideas there to see where that leads, but it also shows how regular people fought back. Incredible.

Truly, watch out for the bikes! Be sure to get your kids stroopwafels and poffertjes from a street vendor or market and try the aged gouda from every cheese shop in your path. Enjoy, Amsterdam is a beautiful city!

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Van Gogh Museum.

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>the grandson of Bundy’s friend Diego Rodriguez was taken into custody and brought to the hospital because the child’s pediatrician determined that he was severely malnourished

Okay folks, I know I've given this rant before, but this? This is what we in the business* call a "Food Mandate." If you don't feed your kids food, you literally go to jail and your kids are literally given food by force.

And if you're an adult and you refuse to eat food, you literally go to (shadow) jail and have food forcibly injected into you. That's a Food Mandate.

What I want you to appreciate is the stark difference between the very real Food Mandate and what the media pundits are calling a "Vaccine Mandate."

Do you know how many parents have been arrested for not getting their kids vaccinated? Zero. Do you know how many people are going to shadow jail for refusing to get vaccinated themselves? Zero. Do you know how many elected legislators in the U.S. are proposing sending you to jail if you refuse to get vaccinated, or having cops restrain you and forcibly give you a vaccine against your will? I'm pretty sure it's zero.

There is a food mandate. There is a water mandate. There is an air mandate. There is a tax mandate. In red states there are pregnancy mandates. There is no vaccine mandate anywhere in the U.S. and nobody is proposing a vaccine mandate.

*What business, you ask? There is no mandate for me to tell you what business I'm in.

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Gardening wonkers:

I am trying to grow okra (Cajun Dwarf) here in Northern CA.

(Love the stuff, especially Indian recipes, and can never find it fresh.)

It's an experiment because I know that this is not its ideal climate!

Any tips?

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It wants more water than you think it will in my experience.

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Should I just switch, from PayPal?

Will Wonkette life improve?

My Saturday night, existential question, you’re welcome ☺️ And love to all ❤️


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As I understand Editrix’s posts, Stack takes a bigger cut of payments than PayPal. So while I hate the “won’t you subscribe now you cheap fuck” harassment buttons, I will continue to PayPal because it is to the site’s benefit.

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But isn't PP owned by the evil Peter Thiel? I've had nothing but trouble with paypal.

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IIRC Thiel was one of the founders, but is no longer involved with the business.

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That’s my take as well. I ignore “pay me pay me pay me” buttons on other sites, I’ll ignore them here so our Lady of the Manor can get dem checks.

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