Yeah, that's not in any way related to anything I said. But it's a lot easier to argue against a point you invent and claim someone else made than to actually address what was said, isn't it?

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I used to do welding for Ammon Bundy when he lived here in Arizona. He never seemed like a thug to me. He had a little semi-truck maintenance company and was maintaining about five fleets of semi trucks and trailers with just himself, one other diesel mechanic, and a bookkeeper. I last saw him back in 2008, just as the economy was crashing.

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I think Raymond Yowell was the real hero. He had all of his cattle taken in 2002 by the BLM and did everything the right way. He appealed all the way to the Supreme Court. If federal courts had treated Raymond Yowell different, maybe the Bundys would have done things differently.

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Raymond Yowell didn't count. Federal courts treated him just like they treated the Bundys.

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I used to do welding for Ammon Bundy and went to church at the same ward he did when he lived here in Arizona. I guess that would make me a Bundiemomo.

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Oh, so by saying that what I wrote was fiction, you are exposing lies that I told. Sorry, but you will have to do better than that. I was just commenting on land management. Back when I was in high school, I remember making a list of all the sawmills in Lincoln County, Montana, large and small, that I knew about. There were more than twenty. Most of the inhabitants of Lincoln County were employed one way or another by the lumber industry. Then came the court injunctions to stop logging in Montana, through these same federal courts, and suddenly there were a whole bunch of people in Lincoln County, Montana, who did not have jobs. I moved to Arizona when that happened. I never have read the book you recommend, so I cannot comment on any similarities you may have noticed in that fiction and reality, but I do know about the lumber industry and what happened to the lumber industry. So if there are too many people in places like New York City and Chicago, what is your objection to allowing these unfortunate people to move to places like Lincoln County, Montana? Lincoln County had 19,000 people when I was in high school. It still has 19,000 people, but only a small percentage do any actual work now. The only major industry left there is mesothelioma lawsuits because there was a vermiculite mine near Libby, Montana. So go ahead and explain some of these basic concepts of governance you are so proud of.

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Raymond Yowell was chief of the Western Shoshone tribe. Why are BLM goons taking cattle owned by Western Shoshone people on a Shoshone reservation? I can tell you why. It was important to them to make certain that there were no people in the West who had any independence at all, including native Americans on reservations. We went through it in the lumber industry. About 1980 the Clinton administration started in on the cattle industry. Wheat farmers will be next.

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Well, most of them have never read the Bible. Why would anyone who has read the Bible want to be a judge?

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So, then, it was later that he decided to bully and threaten government officials for doing their jobs...

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Yes, it would.

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What do you think should happen to Bundiemomos?

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What does the Bible have to do with literally anything? We're not a theocracy, the Bible isn't a legal document, and it has no effect whatsoever on courts... Nor should it.

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So what you are saying is that judges are the source of all intelligence. What the Bible says is, Judge not, lest ye also be judged. Let's see, who should I believe, judges or Jesus Christ?Golly, this is a tough one. Well, let's see, I think I will believe Jesus Christ.

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I think it was in 2014 when he was tasered four times by BLM agents. So when did they get the job of tasering people?

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If true, that suggests restraint on the part of BLM employees who preferred not to start a firefight with a gang of heavily armed lunatics.

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They should be ridiculed and belittled constantly.

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