Precisely. I'm thinking something like:

gingrich: the collective noun for a cluster of maggots ["The dead pigeon was home to a swarming gingrich of maggots."]

gingrich: a stray lump of feces that resists wiping after a bowel movement ["I needed to use half a roll of toilet paper to wipe off that gingrich."]

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I admit he is a better man than I. If I could fart $1000 bills out of my eyes, someone else would be typing this while I chowed down on my fourth serving of Bush's Baked Beans.

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Done. Awaiting review by the very urban editors.

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Good suggestions. I'm also thinking along the lines of a rash. "I have a hard time sitting because of the gingrich on my ass."

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Is it physically possible to give 'Newt the Rolly Polly' fellatio without excavating folds of flab to find the flaccid center?

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I think it's time for Dan Savage to develop a definition for the common noun "gingrich."

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Next responded in part by saying of the question "I appreciate the delicacy and generosity in the way it was framed..." Did he have to use the dictionary function on his iPhone to look up those words? He has never shown any signs of understanding their meanings, let alone value them. And where the hell does he get off trying to call someone out on their lack of delicacy and generosity? The river of hypocrisy flows continuously, I see.

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RR also armed the Islamic Republic of Iran, supported the anti-Soviet Taliban and al Queda in Afghanistan, legalized abortion in California, raised taxes like a Demoncrat as gov & POTUS.

He couldn't get Repubican nomination for dog catcher today. And, he's regarded as Greatest President Ever by 19% of our fellow citizens. Suck it Lincoln, Washington, FDR. Dubya came in 10th.

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Clinton, affair? But Newt said blow job wasn't adultery.

Anyway, you're mixing up the moral standards Repubicans apply to themselves with those they have for Demoncrats.

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