Guttmacher is an organization that provides for sexual health (research, treatment, etc.). But there are several funds out there that do provide for poor women. I know one is Lilith Fund and another here in Texas is Texas Equal Access Fund. Depending on where you are, there are probably a couple you can find.

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Annulled makes sense for sure, I'm with you.

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"Nothing good happens there." Pasta Grannies! Elderly Italian women making handmade pasta. "How long have you been making this pasta?" asks the interviewer. "Oh, about 75 years, I started when I was nine...."

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Seriously? Abortions are not pot.

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Her husband hasn't told her what her opinion is yet

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Yeah but bottle necking that court plays to the rethugs game

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Amy Phony Barrett doesn’t deserve to be on any court!

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it is actually mid-1980s, according to lore.. As I recall that is when I first saw it..

The whole document is at https://www.dourish.com/goo...

it begins thus: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Well , Ms ABC (yes , I know) could let God send thunderbolts down to kill the women . ///sss

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Thanks for the glimpse into the “Good old days”, a simpler time perhaps.I started running mainframe computers in 1969, I have a lot of those old printouts. 👍

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What if you were unmarried or a widow?

"Sorry, but you have to find yourself a man that will marry you and speak for you."

"I know a friendly necromancer who could summon your late spouse."

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I'm actually not being sarcastic here, and would really appreciate some help. I've spoken to lawyer or lawschool friends who claim that she is, in fact, "brilliant," including one who went to Nortre Dame and has met her, and I trust these people's judgement in most things so I am trying to figure it out...

But honestly, I don't see it. I know that she is smart enough to string a sentence together...personally I find her spoken grammar to be beneath the dignity of a Senate hearing but whatever, that ship has sailed...but she can put a sentence and a thought together, she's clearly not unintelligent...but brilliant? I honestly don't know where they're coming from if I, who is not legally trained and is just some asshole 27 year old, can understand her convoluted arguments to reverse engineer her desired opinions from whatever is at her disposal in the Constitution very readily doesn't that make it...not really that complicated?

Seriously I would like some help on this. Law people, is she really brilliant? Non-law people, does law school just break people's brains and make them appreciate inane logical summersaults to prove that "x is actually a" more that the clear and apparent fact that "x is x"?

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No they are not, but the point h4rr4r makes still stands.

Too many Black men have been given long prison sentences due to pot, and this also has catastrophic impacts on their families and communities, as future wage earners.

The point being is by codifying into law punishments for what is a 'social norm', the rich and powerful oppress us by removing our options. The wealthy call this 'lost opportunity costs' and use it against business competitors to keep them neutered.

Whether they are using pot or reproductive heath, the result is detrimental.

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So, why did Brock's judge get the boot? He ruled within the statute.

The idea we have to sit with be sweet smiles on our faces, while a judge shows a poor grasp of the law they just ruled on, as indicated in many of Neomi Rao's written findings, is bullpucky.

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That smells like Cuccinelli.

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