Trix. You're doing it wrong. Christmas is for airing of grievances, one each night until the candelabra is ablaze with indignation on imani.

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Hey Joseph! Hey Mary! Do you know what day it is? Do you? Guess what day it is...

Shut up camel! And get out of the manger before you wake the kid.

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A Woden's Day celebrator, eh? OMNG! (Oh my Norse God!)

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I've always wondered why you don't just change your name to "not that Dookie"

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Hey, here on Canada's south coast (Lake Erie) we missed the ice storm. Thank goodness. Meanwhile, Mayor Ford says it's not worth calling a state of emergency... 70,000 still without power in Toronto, 4 days later, 100,000 everywhere else. And bitterly cold.

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Santa flunked basic physics? Santa is quantum mechanical?

Yes, that's it. All hail our new Quantum Santa Overlord!!

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I-and-I love you, too, Editrix. I trust you got my moneys.

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with Hitler milk and slavery cookies

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Right back at you, Trix. Your Santa Fe "business trip" gave me the courage to graduate from lurker to commenter (if comments were allowed). It was probably the margaritas.

My life would be much emptier without all of you Wonketeers with your quick wit and atrocious puns.

Hugs, Kisses and Buttseks to all, and to all a Good Night!

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that's what you get for shopping at Target

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way to troll for upfists on Xmas eve. You're lucky I'm an easy mark

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<a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=0__SQsohUD0" target="_blank">Damnit</a>, Baldar, for pissing on my XMas Parade.

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Red-hot Santa/Satan/Socialist affection to all Wonketeers, you glorious, vile little snarklings. Also, too, smooches and such. Also.

And Trix, any time you want to visit France, you are welcome chez Anti. And bring your snark with you--it is sadly lacking here. Or maybe not. Who can tell with all these people speaking a weird foreign language?

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She kissed us on the face, but it's all over now. *sniff*

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