Didn't he make the trains run on time?

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Oh, so you choose the inevitable complete and utter defeat the French would have suffered if they kept fighting, or the complete and utter defeat the Germans did actually suffer?

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Something something discontent.

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Given their attitude to SNAP, I'm sure they have your colleagues in the studio recording PSAs: "Shoes, they're what's for dinner. Just don't eat the bootstraps, you'll need those later!"

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"But ze whole point of such a weapon, is zat you <em>tell</em> people about it"

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Oh, I think they <i>understand</i> all those things. They just despise them.

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Shoes for the Dead!!

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"What are you going to do, bleed on me?"

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Suddenly, the Maginot Line makes more sense.

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Good DAY!

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He's Blowtop.

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I am not volunteering for the trench run on that Death Star, thank you very much.

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Did somebody say something?

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Excuse me? Making fun of Republicans is 90% of what we do.

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I read an interview this morning where Scalia was talking about how the Devil doesn't possess people these days because he's gotten "wilier", and now he's trying to convince people he doesn't exist.

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It's like when you use parliamentary procedures to essentially overthrow a government that you're only elected as a partial majority to one of the branches, and then you kind of realize you've taken powers that America never intended for you to have, by design, but because there are swaths of the populace that have been tricked by special-interest and corporate-funded media who are far louder than their actual numbers, but then you compulsively fornicate with a chicken while tongue-punching the analogybox?

This is just like that.

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