"I was for health care for the poors before I sold out to big business and became a true Republican."

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Being stupid is a plus where the teatard/Xtards are concerned. Get used to it.

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How about we turn ON the oven, with no flame, and run?

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Squashing doesn't sound very Texan to me. I thought he used them in place of clay pigeons.

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"back in 1993, George W. Bush could speak in complete, coherent sentences"

I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube.

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Nice signature.

Does he sign bills into Texas law as just "Rick"?

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i heard this too. it was confirmation that there's more there there than b/t rick perry's ears.

also: why he terrifies me.

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i don't think so. the gossip circuits have it that rove HATES perry and has for a long time.

which could explain rumsfeld supporting him (do i remember correctly that rove was a 'bush creature' and always at odds with bush senior creatures rumsfeld, cheney?

or i could just be drunk. again.

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here's wiki on the subject. i think it hits high points i've heard elsewhere: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wik..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feud_between_Karl_Ro...">http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

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And I bet Jim Hightower lost his shit when he read this.

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+10 TeaTard Points for turning this into an attack on Obama, but -100 Rational Points for being ridiculous.

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He was obviously suggesting to HC that she pray about the uninsured rural poorz and let the invisible hand lay itself on them to heal them. Obviously. And that, only for the whites.

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You know, back in 1993, George W. Bush could speak in complete, coherent sentences, too. Perhaps in 1994 <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/452205\/u-s-government-scientists-spent-1940s-infecting-guatemala-with-stds" target="_blank">rogue U.S. Public Health scientists</a> decided to conduct experiments on random Texas politicians?

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Now Texans complain it's the influx of the brownz that cause rural hospitals to close. They want them for cheap labor but prefer they and their dependents vanish from view.

Of course blaming the brownz is now as natural and 'Merikan as screaming about the deficit rather than the lack of jobs or the lambasting the mainstream media rather than hate radio and Faux News.

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It was probably residual farts left behind on the office chair by Jim Hightower that caused his thoughts to go astray ... then he realized he isn't worth even one of Hightower's farts and promptly became a weirdo macho death obsessed Xtian creep.

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