She’s a sharp sweetheart.

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CONservatives NEED laws legislating against Gay, Trans’ Rights, etc... because without those laws, they’re desperately afraid they’ll “Try it.”

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I Sayeth ‘tis So!!!

That was weird... musta been that Ol’ Speaking in Tongues thingie again. I gotta get that looked at.

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On the off chance that it hasn't already happened, Kai Shappley will meet Dolly Parton as sure as God made little green apples. Dolly is a saint, with a heart bigger than all of those in The Hate Party (dba Republican Party) combined.

And as long as we're on the subject of Dolly Parton, one of the best and most helpful to humanity suggestions I have read lately is that all the Confederate memorials to treason be destroyed, and replaced with statues of Dolly Parton.

If this is something President Not Insane can do with an Executive Order, it needs to be done forthwith. Seriously.

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Now that's a hella pointless and stupid comment.

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The committee completely ignored her.

"Don't you want to ask me anything?"

No. They don’t.

She did her best, but this was a show trial, verdict predetermined. Nothing anyone could do or say would change it. We saw that in Arkansas.

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Trans rights are human rights. Ta, Evan. The video was terrific.

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A very wise and eloquent 10 year old. Sad that she was possibly the smartest person in a room full of people with more education.

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I will vote for her when she runs for president. If I Iive long enough.

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all the Confederate memorials to treason be destroyed, and replaced with statues of Dolly Parton.

I support this plan entirely.

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They appear to passing laws *mandating* that teachers look into children's underwear and *providing legal protection for* random adults that demand to look into children's underwear.

How can anyone support this?

Even if you did hate trans kids, and why?, even given that this is a most terrible and disgusting idea.

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You know how people use prepared remarks when delivering long and complex speeches? What's up with that?!? Har!

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They're doing something similar in FloriDUH. I have a young granddaughter who is tall and athletic and I promise you that if anyone tried to look into her underwear to determine her biological sex, one or both of her parents would come at that person with fists flying. Child molesters and perverts, the lot of them!

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Yes; the ultimate problem is the toxic culture which keeps manufacturing bigots. I do not know what to do about that.

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We will indeed, IF we assume it's inevitable and just give the fuck up.

I refuse to accept the Kobayashi Maru scenario.

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