It's a rich and cruel version of 'Dumb and Dumber'.

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Wasn't she into some seance type shit?

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"Just get money from your parents."

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I get where you'd think Jared's word-like sounds add up to so much mansplaining. But I dunno...I think he'd 'splain it to me in much the same way, and I'm a man...mostly. And because I'm convinced he'd talk to anyone that way, I'm not sure the mansplaining label is comprehensive enough.

Can we call what he does moronsplaining? He's so much more moron than man, anyway.

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More like moronsplaining.

"We wish you to stop abortions, we pay you lots to do it."

That negotiation opener never fails.

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Can you imagine how dumb you have to be to go to Planned Parenthood and say "hey, I don't know if you know this, but there's like a rule that says federal funds can't pay for abortions, so you should like stop doing abortions." Ya bruh, I'm sure they never considered that before, show them the way Jarvanka

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It's the undercurrent of "I bet you never even thought of this (with your dumb lady brains)" that causes the mansplaining description. And dear God, when I read his words, the mansplaining condescension just drips off it.

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Money talks but not everybody listens as intently as the Kushners.

Right now, Money is saying, pay off your note or lose 666 5th Av

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This is the deal. Jared is just as much of a narcissist as the Ol' Pussy Grabber is. Ivanka has traded one gaslighting abuser for another. The problem with a narcissist is that they assume they know everything worth knowing and everything should benefit them. You can see it here. We need a win, so Planned Parenthood should give it to us because it is us. Since, I would and did sell my mother for money, Planned Parenthood would sell the women of America for money. Because that's what people do. I know because that's what I do and everyone does what I do.

We're so fucked.

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I have had that experience in every state in which I have lived. PP is the best for female wellness care.

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Is the plural not "Jar Jars Binks?" Or maybe "Jars Jar Binks"?

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But that's what I mean. I think it's not just "ladies," but more of a "I bet you never even thought of this with your dumb NOT-JARED brains"

He's an equal opportunity asshole.

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Can you imagine the firestorm in the Fundamentalist GOP base if a Democrat Presidential , " Senior Adviser To the President " ( who cannot get FBI Security Clearance), had that " Anti Christ " address ?

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Jared Kushner ,all the brains money cannot buy .

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He looks like my horse when he goes to sleep standing up in that photo (my horse is more intelligent though).

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Shouldn't Jared and Vanka be brilliant professional grifters? Or does this trait skip a generation?

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