In his case it was an elephant, which makes me sad, because I like elephants. Elephants are smart animals and need to join up and swear off the GOPers en masse because the GOPERs do not stand for elephant values of family and matriarchy and loving our sisters and our children above all.
The next "shoe" to drop is the Michael Cohen reveal, in his book coming out in September - that good-ol' consigliere Mike cleaned up a lot of the Fall-well's pictures in the wild, so that Jerry would endorse 'Mr. Trump', instead of Rafael Cruz for president. And you've got to know that zodiac Ted, whose dad was part of the Kennedy assassination and whose wife is crazy, is quite ok with Donald getting away with that too.
Let us not forget that it was Jerry who blew smoke up the asses of millions, most notably up that (in his case, literally?) of the future president, that Trump was the One, a demigod semi-Jesus chosen by God to fulfill decades-old fundigelical prophecies of theocratic dominion in this nation. Look at him now. How the mighty are fallen!But don't gloat-- in a week or two, just you wait, his relation with the Lord will be stronger than ever, for having gone through this. Unless even worse pics turn up.
Trump extorted Jerry Junior for his famous 2016 endorsement just days after attorney/goon Michael Cohen was sent to make a few saucy pics of Jerry's wife magically go away.....
It always comes around to scamming money and boning for these folks. Either you're boning the pool boy, or the secretary or blowing a guy in the Denny 's bathroom. (Ted Haggard relate).
Never trust anyone that calls themselves a Born Again Christian, a Prayer Warrior, or evangelical. They're always closeted, kinky freaks and thieves. Mr. Fartwell, is no exception.
And don't forget Genesis 3:12 "The woman that thou gavest me...."
In his case it was an elephant, which makes me sad, because I like elephants. Elephants are smart animals and need to join up and swear off the GOPers en masse because the GOPERs do not stand for elephant values of family and matriarchy and loving our sisters and our children above all.
Miss Becki wields his SWORD, is what I believe you meant to say.
Change browsers. Works fine on Vivaldi.
The next "shoe" to drop is the Michael Cohen reveal, in his book coming out in September - that good-ol' consigliere Mike cleaned up a lot of the Fall-well's pictures in the wild, so that Jerry would endorse 'Mr. Trump', instead of Rafael Cruz for president. And you've got to know that zodiac Ted, whose dad was part of the Kennedy assassination and whose wife is crazy, is quite ok with Donald getting away with that too.
Here is how elephants can stan w/dems https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
Let us not forget that it was Jerry who blew smoke up the asses of millions, most notably up that (in his case, literally?) of the future president, that Trump was the One, a demigod semi-Jesus chosen by God to fulfill decades-old fundigelical prophecies of theocratic dominion in this nation. Look at him now. How the mighty are fallen!But don't gloat-- in a week or two, just you wait, his relation with the Lord will be stronger than ever, for having gone through this. Unless even worse pics turn up.
Turns out not the browser so much as the office firewall. So most of my Wonkette reading time is going to be sans pictures for a while, looks like.
Trump extorted Jerry Junior for his famous 2016 endorsement just days after attorney/goon Michael Cohen was sent to make a few saucy pics of Jerry's wife magically go away.....
Anything that busts Liberty's wallet is good by me
Full speedo ahead!
"The woman made me do it, god."
Wives are chattel, to be dispensed with as they see fit.
It always comes around to scamming money and boning for these folks. Either you're boning the pool boy, or the secretary or blowing a guy in the Denny 's bathroom. (Ted Haggard relate).
Never trust anyone that calls themselves a Born Again Christian, a Prayer Warrior, or evangelical. They're always closeted, kinky freaks and thieves. Mr. Fartwell, is no exception.
Fuck him! but leave the horse alone 'and NOT the horse he rode in on'