There are plenty of other movies, folks.

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I know who done it...ANTIFA!

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Hot take, but I never liked Dumbo or Peter Pan very much anyway. The animated Robin Hood movie from that time is way underrated compared to those two

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I never thought I'd see an Elephant fly either, but Fox News shilling another Culture War- yawn....

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I've said it before and I'll say it until I die, Peter Pan is weird and creepy and I'm just fine with never ever reading another dumbass thinkpiece about the "Peter Pan syndrome."

Cancel him. Free Tinkerbell from her life of servitude to an insane child.

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But how will my children learn about morals from 1905?!?!

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Not every child can afford Disney + Mr. Fancy pants Fox Newz idiot.

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YES!!! Love me some Sir Hiss, that shady bastard.

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We need to get the Dems and our allies together for my cunning plan: Every few weeks, we will "cancel" something. It can be an old TV show or film, it can be a toy, it can be a historical flag....it doesn't matter WHAT it is, just as long as we keep them obsessed with it. Keep them so busy bitching about cancel culture that they have no time to do any other fuckery.

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Cancel religion in our government, now THAT would do some good, and Republicans would SQUEEEL!!

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I never got into Dumbo, but I like Peter Pan and The Aristocats. My kids have seen them. And I have said while watching those movies "OK, this part right here? Not cool, and here's why."

Which is exactly why Disney is restricting those movies to just the parents profiles, so those conversations can be had.

Yet another example of conservatives getting het up over something that isn't happening the way they say it's happening.

Also, Robin Hood and The Sword In The Stone are SO underrated. I aspire to be Mad Madam Mim when I get old.

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Me (46) and my cousin (43) to this day try to work "Oodalolly!" into our conversations as much as possible.

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“What makes the red man red” is really a question about rage-stroking conservative men.

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I tried to watch Dumbo about 15 years ago with my toddler nephews. I’m not sure I had ever seen it before and was horrified. I distracted them with ice cream and pretended the movie broke.

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And yet again, Republicans crying about a large corporation making a business decision. Invisible hand, bitches!

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There were a few years where my nephews insisted on watching The Sword in the Stone every time they stayed with me. There are worse movies to sit through.

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