I get the impression they're a bunch of reality-teevee grifters who make the Palin clan look classy. (I don't even own a teevee, but there's so much crap on it these days that every other medium is contaminated.)

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He gets money for free, and his family spends it at the market. What's not to like?

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if you KNOW she's crooked, why do you continue to give her your support?? voting for a "D" is as moronic as anything I've ever heard, and is a large part of our problem today. you likely don't know ANYTHING about any of the people running against her, but you'll vote for her - not on her morals, ethics, any issues she might be for or against, and in spite of her horrid track record - but because she has a "D" in front of her name and not an "R". You are part of the problem, thank you for doing your part in perpetuating corruption in politics!

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! etc.

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19 lids! I thought I saw an overworked uterus in the background of one of those shots.

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Authoritarian incest.Disgusting.

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I think there's been enough articles about David Vitter.

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And THAT'S how you get the dishes done folks! Teenagers be damned.

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Judging by the other figures quoted, Ron Paul is seriously underpaying his relatives.

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It's a sad, sad day when a white American male can't practice nepotism with his own family!

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Nutty Professor!

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Is this the same Ron Paul who said Secret Service protection was a form of welfare?

Guess he's got his family to look after him - and for him to look after!

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True fact: Alcee Hastings is the poorest member of Congress, mostly because he still owes millions of dollars from his impeachment as a judge. Fortunately, he has a rich girlfriend.

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No wonder he loves the Constitution. It has given him so much.

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