He rights (see what I did there...) to get clicks. No other reason. I'm hoping he realizes that when he washes his face in the morning and stares, dripping and bleary eyed, in the mirror. I really do hope that.

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It's no kind of right, divine or constitutional, and never was. The current frenzy has been brought about by decades of pro-gun propaganda by the NRA (or rather, it's funders in the firearms industry), and a constant assault on the Constitution by a complete and deliberate mis-interpretation of the Second Amendment by the Republican Party, used to shore up its "base." And of course, all that was underwritten by the Supreme Court a few years ago. We can turn this boat around, but I think it's gonna be the next generation that does it.

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and environs.

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Bwahahahaha indeed. Respect first ?! What planet, oh never mind.Because gun laws currently are respecting seven kids to death. "Gun-shaming" ? Codswallop.

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Around 125th and Lenox Ave.

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This douche would be talking about Stand Your Ground Florida good luck with that.

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Prophetic bullshit, sort of an oxymoron, no?

These are the big thinkers, the braintrust of the conservative movement/bowel movement.This is whining-pundit style, begging-loser style by the A-team.Guy wants to lead but won't, can't and don't.

Bewaring of false prophecy is wise and has that smoky Christian flavor also too, but being aware of false prophets slinging bullshit is truly Godly.

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Where have i heard about Erickson was it something about goat fucking ?

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"RESCTTP...mother fucker, you know how to spell it!" --Eddie Murphy's drunk father--

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Or at least the most educated and most income-earning population?

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Don't forget Haberman.

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They still have Maggie Haberman, if that helps answer that question.

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Kumbaya solves everything apparently.

Makes you wonder why America STILL doesn't get it after who knows how many shootings!

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It's almost as if Bobo thinks the Red States are full of tender snowflakes. And that may be the one thing he's right about.

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It can't be said enough: Lord, give me the confidence of a mediocre white man.

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The NYT...awfully provincial, don't you think?

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