That was my reaction, too.

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My obsession with my own sex life takes precedence over other people's.

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As a Floridian I must disagree with AC on one point. Pam Bondi is a hateful, self-promoting twit. As befits a minion in the service of Gov. Naked Mole Rat.

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I'm that way on reddit. I go to stuff that interests me and I stay away from blanket shit like politics. I had a three day argument with someone I somewhat agreed with. They didn't appreciate my sources after they used the weak assed argument "source?" when someone else gave a positive but probably wrong assessment. That was the entirety of the argument. For three days.

I should know better.

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That is the perfect encapsulation of this issue. Word for work perfection. Thanks.

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That is precisely it. I'm saving that for paraphrasing at my next dust up with the assholes.

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Conservatives do love them some dead Americans. It's the live ones they're not too fond of.

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I think Pam may be going to Club FED for a while re: the Trump U payoff. The Texas AG knows how the game is played. He dropped their case, prepared at great expense, far more than the lousy 35K, but he waited years for his money. Why does it have to work like this: favor first- money later? Because money can wait. You can say 'drop the case and years later I'll give you money.' You can't say give me money and years later I'll drop the investigation. (Pam is trying to do a word thing when she says: I never investigated Trump.True- her office said she was considering it) By being either greedy, not trusting Trump to come across, or just plain stupid, Pam got her money three DAYS BEFORE dropping the probe. This incredibly short time line screams causal nexus or if you prefer 'smoking gun'.

Three thoughts:

To live outside the law you must be honest.- Dylan

A crook I can abide, I'm a crook myself. But a stupid crook I can't abide- Kettering

First one through the government's door gets the deal. 3 to 6 months soft time. In return for full and truthful testimony.

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Well, she got stiffed then. Oh, that doesn't sound right. Schlonged, then. No, that's worse. Well, then, when Donald handed over the bribe, he shorted her, by 1.5% or thereabouts.

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If you know where to look, he's massive (sci fi and musical theatre mostly), but tragically not mainstream. He also just seems to be so fucking nice and grateful for the success he has had that it's really sweet.

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Everything's bigger in Texas.

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I actually looked this up once it appeared on Ms. 143's FacePlant feed, apparently not from the same douche nozzle. As near as I can figure out (because I couldn't locate the very, very first mention), it first surfaced in a tweet, possibly from a member of the Lakota, or maybe not. The idea seemed to spread from there, always specifically mentioning Wounded Knee.

The problem is, there were other tribes who suffered somewhat worse massacres, as well, including the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864, which apparently killed about 14 more than Wounded Knee. And then there were the Tulsa Race Riots, the actual numbers of which we will probably never know, and Antietam, and, and, and! I've seen all kinds of suggestions for "NO, THIS IS THE WORST!" as if the internet is playing the stupidest game of Hearts, ever.

I can't decide if this is a case of contest to figure out who has suffered the most (the answer is AOT, K), a race to see how many people can pull historical facts out of their butts faster than you, or an example of trying to figure out what our definition of "is" is. In any case, It's all pretty fucking horrible, and every person ever shot with a gun always had it the worst.

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she looks like she's one mullet away from....umm...being mistaken for a player on the LGBTQ team.

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He's one gay I'd go straight for (oh wait, I AM straight--carry on...)

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"FLA Woman..."

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