Still doesn't beat a good bowl of Fruit and Fiberglass cereal.

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Ooh, maybe he'll keelhaul mitch and lindsey!

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So,wait. He sprained an ankle, which you normally treat at home with ice and bandaging and putting it up, then on Sunday goes to a dr, which everyone knows about and they're complaining about what? Not being there to take pictures of him stacking in the first place so they can whip it up into a breathless report for mouth breathers?

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They sure ad hell wouldn't stop an attack, they'd be screaming about it live

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Its part of a (insert group of choice) plot to keep dump in office ;)

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I read that as taser

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Your spine divided in two?

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She still jumps out to try and trip me, it's a game we play. She will be surprised when I stomp on her if she succeeds like that again.

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And now I understand why I saw a tweet today asking why Andrea Mitchell and Chuck Todd are still on the air. I mean, I knew why you'd ask that about Todd, but I was curious as to what Mitchell had done.

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Pretty much. It was freaky as hell, I literally treated a broken neck with ice packs for two days. (The whole point of my post is that OHJ would downplay a broken ankle because he's a guy) The weirdest was that ALL of the personnel at the hospital watched me go to surgery. I think they wanted to make sure I didn't belong in the morgue.

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My C1 & C2 are bolted together now. I have a very physical job that I'm learning to do without turning my head, so boredom isn't a problem.

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It's the scariest photograph I've ever seen. So I suppose if you aren't turning your head, you'll have to be turning your back all the time. But that's ok because of the bolts, right? Get that kitty on a diet.

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"without his protective press pool" was quit e good.

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S0 stealing that idea if I ever have an ankle monitor. Does it make it difficult to keep it charged?

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This is about a health-related matter, therefore on topic. ["SAFE," yells umpire, does wavy handy thing]

My nose gets really cold. It didn't used to. What does this mean? Dr. Google thinks I have a cold and tries to get me to take Nyquil and eat chicken soup. That is not what I mean. Cold as in not warm. Await collective wisdom and/or snark. Am I gonna die? Can I substitute a cat for a mask and still meet CDC guidelines?

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Well, it DOES beg the question: where WAS Joe Biden for the 24 hours between his doggie fall and FINALLY telling U.S. Americans the TRUTH about his fragile health? I knew he wasn’t up to this!

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