I'm honored.<br /><br /><br />I'd like to hate Boehner more but he seems like a small businessman who got Peter-Principled above his capabilities and a bit baffled by it all. You wish they'd make Louie Gohmert speaker.

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One of my favorite things about libel law: you can't libel the dead.

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Well first you might want to dial down my sarcasm a bit....

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I'm trying to imagine Hinckley finding out that Foster is gay -- that would be a priceless moment.

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Dontcha know, it's the <a href="http:\/\/gunowners.org\/a01022013.htm" target="_blank">first step towards completely obliterating our Constitution</a>? It's a slippery slope: you ban high-capacity ammo clips, and next thing you know, an atheist commie tyrant has his jackbooted foot on your neck!

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My husband was actually surprised when she came out. He had no clue. I was, like, what? You never knew? I'm not sure what planet he's been living on. (My aunt told me back in the early 70's that Rock Hudson was gay. I didn't understand what all the fuss was about when it came out in the 80's.)

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Was even one shot fired in that heroic rescue of Americans who couldn't get into real medical schools?

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By the look of Raygun’s hair I’d say he shoots a grease gun.

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Absolutely not. They had a rigid policy against negotiating with terrorists. However, they relaxed that policy when negotiating with terrorists would be useful in securing some desirable goal—freeing hostages held by Iran, for example—but then <i>immediately</i> restored to its full force when the objective had been achieved.

If this concept is difficult to comprehend, just consider how Chimpy avowed his love for capitalism, except when it was necessary to shovel huge loads of taxpayer moniez to the banks.

There is no inconsistency. There is also no policy, but that's not important.

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He legalized abortion in California seven years before Roe v Wade. Try getting that past a GO-Pee'er primary voter today. And as POTUS he only invaded Grenada to rescue some American college students from their virginity. Pussy. (Reagan. The students also too.)

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So did Dumbya. It was an act, for both of 'em.

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If you did a Venn diagram of what Reagan did and what wingnuts think he did, you'd have a very slim area of overlap.

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And in two terms increased the national debt by some 275%+.

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Plus black people built huge swaths of it, including the "White" House. Michael Moore made that argument about the 2nd A'ment being added to protect slaveholders, but he's a bit hard to take seriously.

Heard an <a href="http:\/\/www.npr.org\/2013\/01\/08\/168793872\/the-fall-of-the-house-of-dixie-built-a-new-u-s" target="_blank">interview</a> with the fluent, literate, charming author of <i>The Fall of the House of Dixie</i> on Terry Gross' show the other day and got the book. Interesting read, in that it establishes beyond any doubt that the south embarked on secession to protect slavery and the comfortable way of life it provided—<i>and not a goddamn thing else.</i> Many slaveholders were actually opposed because they knew it would end slavery sooner than a negotiated agreement.

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The right wing nutz got all up in arms (heh, heh) about Mr. Obama's efforts to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in this world - a centerpiece of Mr. Reagan's second Administration.

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And don't forget your body armor! Let's you squeeze off a few more rounds into innocent bystanders before the SWAT team gives your shitty, empty life a sort of meaning, however horrible.

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