Oh, come on... this is FOX, remember? Lie-detector tests are for liberals; they should waterboard the lot of them. We'll see who's telling the truth.

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or you can simply cook the meat out of it.

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Loki would be proud.

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I hear if you do that, Google automatically switches your search engine to Dogpile dot com.

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EDIT: What, no Repeaty McRepeatface? (fuckin Pacific Time Zones)

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Oh my God, right? I need to go eat a peach now so I can stop thinking about f@#$king melon.

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I'm kind of with you there, but most places either put it on the sandwich raw or just heat it up slightly. A veggie sandwich is supposed to be more than just a salad wrapped in bread.

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I think I'll join you, I have a peach in the fridge. Yay peaches!

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Not too sure about your legal stategery there Lou.

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I guess she did learn something from FOX.

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I'm chuckling, because I actually won a small lawsuit this way. I offered to settle out of court if the guy would take a lie detector test. I kept upping the ante, like "OK, fine, if you won't take the test, I'll take the lie detector test." He wouldn't take a test, nor would he agree to be bound by my results, and I sent all the letters to the judge. The judge pretty much knew who was telling the truth before we ever got to court.

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I was disappointed in the Burton version, too, mainly because there were so many great things from the book that had been left out of the earlier one. (Including my very favorite joke, the square candies that looked round. That KILLED me when I first read it, and I was so disappointed it wasn't in Wilder's version.) But yeah, that was NOT Wonka at all. Burton's habit of pissing in a story so he'll like the flavor better went too far that time, and ended my tenure as one of his viewers.

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Oh, what I meant was that I was disappointed because the presence of so many great things made the Wonka betrayal so much, much worse. (They even put the original SONGS in the film, one of the best things about the book! And the Oompa-Loompas were the ORIGINAL Oompa-Loompas, and not those weird-ass orange and green things!)

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Given the budget for the original, they may not have had the funding to pull off the square candies that looked round.

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I saw the original at an age that made it the go-to reference for me. I didn't read the book until much later, so much of what you see as betrayal doesn't affect me in quite the same way.

One thing for sure though. The song I posted is what stuck with me through all the years. That and, "We are the music makers... and we are the dreamers of dreams."

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Not to cast aspersions on her asparagus, but "lie detectors" are twaddle. They don't work & are based on theories supported by little or no evidence.

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