'tards will be 'tards. That's the first time I've seen so many Briebart Fan Boys/Girls comments in one place (no, I don't read Briebart's site)

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"Do I seem angry to you?" is one more question that if one feels the need to ask, one already has the answer. In hand, as it were.

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Derek Hunter (stag movie star name) Tweeted the advertisers to get this boycott rolling. Knock yourself out, Derek. He took the time to Tweet 'em! If that doesn't get their attention...

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Guess What!

The Daily Caller website has advertisers! Who knew?

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Considering today's technology of crafting highly targeted ads towards site visitors, I'd suggest that Derek Hunter probably eats tuna out of diapers.

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Breitbart/Waggaman 2012

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The Duke of Douches.

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Another book? There must be money in these right wing nut job books because they sure write a lot of them. I’m thinking about taking a ride on this gravy train.

Possible titles: All liberals should be run over by American nonunion made cars. I escaped the death panels: a true fact fictional story! Teaparty planet, alone in my own mind. Eat your way to being skinny by eating as much conservative fast food as you want! UFOs: A liberal conspiracy gone wrong.

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I am shocked, SHOCKED, Glenn Beck would do something dishonest.

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