What!? I'm not wishing anyone dead, nor am I suggesting that anyone carnally violate someone in the region of the occipital bone. Can't you just imagine the outpouring of fan memorials that would come out after the tragic passing of, I don't know...Glen Beck though?

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Can you imagine how many pall-bearers they'll need for Rush?

The thought reminds me of an old <a href="http:\/\/www.private-eye.co.uk\/covers.php\?showme=781" target="_blank">Private Eye cover</a>: "He was a great man. [280 lbs] at least."

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All hail. He suffered in close proximity so we didn't have to.

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Tommy, the Pinball Wizard?

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Shaken, but not stirred?

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Never shake a Riley.

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WADR, "Breitbart is here" doesn't belong on a t-shirt.

It should be printed on underwear.

On the back.

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Memorializing fan work is still better than having the real thing. We can say, OMG! This is awful. To which I would reply, "yeah, but he's still dead."

Imagine the wonderful fan stuff that would be created for Ann, Rush, O'Reillly (fuck...he'll get a parade!), etc.

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Easy now..Riley is still shaken.

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True. And while they were able to use a caddy to tote around Kim's <a href="http:\/\/www.blogcdn.com\/www.autoblog.com\/media\/2011\/12\/kim-jong-il-funeral-opt.jpg" target="_blank">portrait</a>, they'd need something bigger for Rush's picture.

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