The Demon Blogger of Tweet Street.

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"A little longer in the back, please".

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Sell that to Andrew for a new logo.

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I'm just too self-conscious to relax enough to dance well. All that runs through my head is "They're all going to laugh at you! They're all going to laugh at you!"

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I forget why he moved. Honestly, when I read his blog, when it was free (because no way am I paying for that shit), I mostly ignored that stuff.

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Andy's made 'coz they didn't massage his tired, overworked glutes. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I trim my husband's reverse sideburns as I call them- they extend down from his hairline on either side of the back of his neck.

He is not allowed to grow a beard. when he does manage it, he looks like Jean-Guy from the backwoods.

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I'm with you there, my Slovenly Gay Brother! I also can't dance. My gay gene is defective.

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I find every six months is sufficient. That's when I visit my dad, and go to the barber's around the corner. It looks like the current owner inherited it from his dad in the 60's, and nothing has changed since well before then. I keep expecting him to ask if I need anything for the weekend. This summer I'll qualify for the seniors' discount. Whee!

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He has experience with that, though.

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I remember a barber in a shop I used to frequent informing a customer "The haircut isn't crooked. Your head is crooked."

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Or, as the fans of reactionary screeds inevitably write on Amazon comments, "dribble."

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Andrew Sullivan's complete and total inability to DEAL with NYC continues to delight and amuse. I mean, I'd have a panic attack within an hour of moving to New York, but, you know, I THEREFORE DON'T LIVE IN NEW YORK!

Miss Thang's just mad that he's a complete nobody in New York instead of an inexplicably-influential queen in (the nice, white parts) DC. New Yorkers don't give a shit. Nelly bears are dime a dozen. Get it together, gworrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl!

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Ugh, I hate you, you twink! I bet you're adorable and gorgeous and young and... *runs out weeping, to go eat some ice cream alone, all alone, always alone*

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Sounds kinda hot, actually...

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they work fine for me. entitled whiner should learn to pull himself up by his bootstraps and trim his own like most guys- having a barber trim your beard every week or two is a sign you're overpaid...

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