We had bunny over last week. Neighbor came for snacks and brought her bunny, who looks like that one but black with white paws. Bunny was delighted by the new surroundings and hopped about all over the place.

This was a pleasant change from sister-in-law bringing over her dog that's as unmanageable as an alley cat and big as a Ford Fiesta.

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I am so overwhelmed by cuteness I have nothing else to say.

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So happy to see that the first thing I opened was BUNS!

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The The Killer Bunny of Caerbannog. Run away!

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There’s an entire genre of videos of wee animals cronching on food. And I find it odd how much I enjoy them. I’d consider stabbing a human who made those noises. But I squee over the animals lol

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Why, that little varmint is eating my blue berries, I’ll show that rabbit, whar’s mah AR?

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I know someone who will love this. Cheers!

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I went to the supermarket yesterday to get yummy blueberries for breakfast pancakes and there were none. Now I know why! Damn their cuteness!

Je veux myrtilles!

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We have a wild bunny that we have been feeding since last winter. At sundown, he or she will come running right up to us for veggie scraps and bird seed.

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Aw! Video please!

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I'll see what I can do.

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cute little bunny gonna be hasenpfeffer bunny if he keeps on eating all muh blueberries!!!

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reminds me of a time in the 50s when I was visiting my uncle in the Sierras and asked him why there was a dead robin in his garden. He said it died because it ate too many strawberries. Ten I noticed the 22 rifle on the porch.

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I have closely examined the gif of supposedly cute bunny - I fear Martini is turning to ai to manipulate us - the blueberry bush next to the bunny - while it doesn’t have fingers in weird shapes - the leaves are obviously upside down - are we supposed to believe that in ‘bunny land’ the ground is magically covered in blueberries - like some kind of socialist paradise - and the cuteness level - off the charts - really - a bunny that perfect - obvious manipulation by Martini -

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'It's just a harmless little bunny', you said....

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Who's the gopher's ally? His friends. The harmless squirrel and the friendly rabbit.

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It's getting close to time for the squirrels to eat all my blueberries again.

Last year I found one of the tree rats on its back, picking all the berries.

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The answeris obvious. BerryCam

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every year, the raspberry vines extend their tentacles into a little more of my back yard, making passage hazardous. And every year, the squirrels and the birds eat all the raspberries before I have picked even one, because the berries ripen during the very hottest days of summer, when stepping outside feels like stepping into a dutch oven.

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I honestly don't know how people managed to live in the American South for hundreds of years without air conditioning and managed to accomplish anything useful in the summer.

I can barely bring myself to mow the lawn right at 8am (the soonest it is allowed under our HOA noise ordinance) and its "only 80" when I start off.

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stoicism and no expectation of any relief.

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Sounds like a perfect squirrel day. At least until you shooed him away.

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Of course I did. I got no berries fer meself, though.

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For us, it's birds. I don't think I've had a blueberry or cherry out of my own garden for years now.

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Here, it's tree rats eating my Meyer lemons, the nasty monsters.

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Look at that bunny!!!

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I iz ded of squeeee

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So long, thanks for all the berries?

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Does anyone here BLOODY EFFING KNOW how to stop Slumshack from going back up tp the top of the comments when you make a slight error.

Now I have to take to bloody time to get back to where I was. One time it took over 15 minutes!

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It really is bad. And half the time it skips back to some random place while one's trying to write a damn comment.

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“Andrew Zimmern and the mystery of why your fast food is spensive now”

Because capitalism, that why. They’re going to charge as much as they possibly can because that’s how the system works.

When I bought a soda in Las Vegas for five dollars last week was it so expensive because it’s harder to transport Diet Coke to Vegas? Of course not. Companies use every excuse they can to jack up prices while blaming it on someone else - “tomatoes went up forty cents a pound so that’s why your burger costs three dollars more.”

Maybe one day people will start doing the math and ask why CEOs make so much fucking money.

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Tim: "Look, that rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide! It's a killer!"

Sir Galahad: "Get stuffed!"

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Well, there ya go...I didn't know Five Guys was classified as 'fast food'.

I'm still not quite used to how much less 5 or 10 bucks gets you at a Wendy's or Taco Bell or someplace similar compared to pre-COVID.

ETA: I hope somebody at SNL dropped a note to Evan for some of the material in ScarJo's sketch.

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The first place I heard about the 'Five Guys Lies' was of cousre on Fox Spews where they mentioned it as if only the burger was $24. I know that in Manhattan there ARE chi-chi places where the Fox Illuminati go to buy there gold-leaf covered burgers (a real thing).

But as you point out Five Guys in not fast as the burgers are only cooked after you order them. And of course they also whined about small fries for $5. Thing is that 'small' fries are in a TALL cup.

Also, other than bacon, all other additions to your burgers are FREE.

And a regular burger is TWO patties, not one.

Of cousre the Dirty Digger Murdoch's NY Post wrote an editorial,

''How do you make a $24 Five Guys burger? Ask Joe Biden & Co.''

Never mind that while, yes, Five Guys prices have gone up a bit, they are not that much more than when PAB was Reichsführer.

I hsve been unable to find a picture of the receipt, but the turd that posted in used the name ''Wall Street Silver'' and it does seem the first place to have the story was Fox Spews.

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"Lifehacker thinks it has a hack to … make Google give you the results you actually searched for. I don’t believe it for a second. "

But I sure *wish* I could believe it.

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Louisiana apparently thinks "police state" is a life goal and the most prosperous thing the state government can engage in after 60 years of racist segregationist bullshit creating a faux rational for disinvesting in any actual government services for anyone.

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One of the things Andrew Zimmern did not bring up is how corporations have ballooned the number of corporate food chains and worked to condition Americans to consider it a viable way of feeding people. Restaurants are luxuries. For decades the prices have been either artificially kept low due to competition or kept low by controlling the supply (like McDonald's owning its beef suppliers.) The food business has worked hand in hand with large agro-business to create a food industry that is not healthy for consumers, farmers, the environment, and is not sustainable in the long run. This food economy goes hand in hand with an on-the-run lifestyle that is also not healthy. And the very same food producers are in the business of creating the medications used to treat the diseases the lifestyle produces. What's the saying? If you're not paying, you're the product.

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I had a similar thought recently about all the griping around rising costs of food delivery app services and backlash against efforts to make them pay guaranteed decent wages to the workers carrying out the deliveries.

Like, how selfish, spoiled, and entitled have some of us become that we think we're *entitled* to have the *luxury* of someone else making our meals and lattes, and then for someone ELSE to come and deliver it to your front door for a pittance.

FDR was on to something very important when he explained that businesses who "can't afford to pay decent living wages" have no right to exist in America (particularly in a for profit form). If these platforms can't afford to pay people enough to do the work and survive, then that's not a valid business strategy. You get what you pay for, and yet people are surprised when no one wants to spend 20 minutes delivering their latte for what effectively ends up only being $2 for the person doing the delivery, even if you paid $5 for the service... because the shareholders are demanding a return on their investment.

I also wonder how much thought these same people having their woes about the increase in beef and other food commodity prices are giving to the impending effects of climate change on crop production. It's only going to get worse & more expensive from here on out, unless we really get our shit together and do some serious work on addressing climate change.

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Shaun King converts to Islam.

That's it. I got nothing...the material writes itself with this guy.

Touring soon with N'kechi Diallo, with special guest Michael Rapaport.

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He's already got the name--Talcum X

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The list of +40 of those names that came out Xmas morning was the best holiday gift ever.

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Of course you can compost shit, what else are you going to do with it? Dump it in a landfill? Dry it and heap it up in big piles? "Composting" is what the bioactive digester at the sewage plant does, and you can do it at home if you cared. https://www.google.com/search?q=composting+toilet&oq=composting+toilet&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyDwgAEEUYORiDARixAxiABDIHCAEQABiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABNIBCDY0NTdqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

"Night soil" was essential to the development of agriculture, before people invented chemicals. It has to be handled with care, and it helps if your coworkers don't have parasites, but in the old days it was FREE FERTILIZER!!

THERE IS NO "AWAY" WHERE YOU CAN "THROW" THINGS TO! Even noxious objectionable shit! What goes around comes around! Put it to work!

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That article on the rise in restaurant/takeout food prices gets to the meat of it (pardon me) by the end: prices have been artificially low for so long that we don’t have a realistic sense of what things should cost if the workers all along the supply chain were paid ethically, and we aren’t willing to restrict our consumption to make things fair. Food prices in the US are so low that we buy a lot that we let rot in our refrigerators, and we accept that food and service workers are being paid below a living wage because their jobs take training not degrees. Clothing prices are so low that we imagine the sewing to take no time at all, because we can’t fathom the 25¢ an hour wages being paid to the sewists.

This is all part of a bigger crisis that snowballed from when we decided unions were unnecessary and investments were better than work. And even now, people think coming up with ideas is far more valuable than labor or physical items, because we’ve held prices down for so long by offshoring. With no awareness, people are hiring sweatshops to manufacture the products they imagine, because they had the idea for a slogan or paid an artist on Fiverr for art.

So - food is going up, but the issue is really that many people aren’t matching their spending to their need, because for so long they’ve been able to have wasteful abundance. Meanwhile those who already couldn’t afford what they needed, now go without.

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Jared Kushner also badly screwed up the availability of testing in the early days when it would have made a difference.


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And he did that mess on purpose

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Yes. It's always all about how can I make money on this.

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Americans can do with eating less beef, it won't kill them. I say this after non-commenting 2 days ago that I was having a filet mignon for supper (bought on sale), but the fact is I could live without beef if I had to. Most people in the world rarely eat beef. In the Middle East and Africa they eat a lot of chick peas and lentils, which in fact have more, or nearly as much, protein per ounce than red meat.

Chicken, now, I really like chicken and would miss it a lot.

Potatoes! I really would not enjoy living without potatoes.

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Jonathan Katz, the intrepid journalist who outed Katie Britt, is also the former Substacker who started asking questions last summer about Substack promoting nazi friendly newsletters. Then he discovered that not only were said newsletters being recommended and given Best Newsletter seals of approval, the writers had been actively recruited with nice upfront $$$. Katz is on Beehive now.

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"NEW YORK (WABC) -- There may be fallout for firefighters who booed Letitia James.

The FDNY confirms it is trying to figure out who jeered the attorney general during a graduation ceremony earlier this week. Many in the crowd also shouted 'Trump' as she spoke.

The FDNY issued a statement saying,

'Nobody is hunting anyone down. We're looking into those who clearly broke department regulations. It has nothing to do with politics, it's about professionalism at an official event held in a house of worship.'"


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The sawbones reviewed the imaging and made a call...

Not only does my partial hip replacement need replacing, but a complete hip job has become a thing to consider... Not even 10 years.

Nobody ever talks about how much 𝘧𝘶𝘯 aging is.

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Old people do.

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Receiving social security, Medicare and a couple pensions gives me perspective, being an old, socializing with other olds and those on their way to acquiring enough years to become old adds to it.

You must know different old people...

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I love my Medicare and half-price MBTA pass, so I think I count as one o' them olds. Just yesterday I was talking to a neighbor at a meeting about the joy of being able to sit in the back of the room again because I can see now. Another person said, "Oh, you got cataract surgery?", which started a whole litany of praise for cataract surgery. The first neighbor had been told that she was getting to that time, and she was very nervous about it, so the two of us who'd been through it kept telling her it's the greatest thing ever. I never suggested that the people I know are the stereotypical geezers whose entire conversation centers on aches, pains and other debilitating effects of old age, but I guess I do know people who mention such things from time to time. We do still come down on the side of "beats the alternative."

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I lost an eye during cataract surgery, so YMMV.

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That so sucks

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