All aboard for the Jindal REVOLUTION!!!!! Who's with me? Anyone? Anyone? Is someone there?

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Stamped out by Ganesh?

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They didn't do all that well against the Tea Party the last time.

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Not to diminish the fact that Bobby is pandering hard, and has the speechifying skills of a mallard, but I suspect he was using the term "hostile takeover" in the corporate sense.

You know, when some jackasses with a lot of money hijack the control of a company out from under the existing management, often using trickery, with no thought to the effect on the other shareholders.

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Kenneth Parcell seems angrier since "30 Rock" went off the air.

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Major General Robert Ross?

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Yeah, march on one the most heavily fortified, heavily defended cities on planet Earth. And announce it in advance. That's sound strategy, Bobby.

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