He isn't bothered by bad press, either, he always says.

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Derrick has long said our nation's capitol is sacred and should never be treated like a frat house! He says it right out of the blue sometimes. He says that whenever he feels like it.

No, it's true he didn't say it Jan.6. That's his business. He said it on all the other days, and these "kids" should have known this about him.

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That sounds about right.


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Navy Seal, huh? More like a Nanny Seal, what with all his scolding...

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Maybe somebody needs to stop with treating his office like a college frat common tgif party!


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Jul 28, 2023·edited Jul 29, 2023

Given Derrick Van Orden's clear problems with excessive alcohol consumption, how long before he is arrested for D.V.O., driving vehicle obliterated?

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Don't forget that DVO wrote a book before he went to Congress, in which he told a story he thought was so hi-larious: DVO was supervising some hospital situation and some poor patient came in with a condition causing the unfortunate person's testicles to swell to enormous size. Van Orden thought it would be so funny to, while this patient was unconscious, trick two female employees into viewing the man's testicles without any of the three people's consent. The man loves other people's suffering. He's a really horrible, broken person, but he's doing a big show of constituent service in his first term, so I'm worried he'll get reelected. We had a good candidate against the psycho, but the state Dem party decided it was the "turn" for someone who couldn't beat him to run. Hopefully, the viable candidates will run this time and we'll get this narcissistic ski mask out of here.

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That right there is some grade A-1 prime Legislative Sh*tmuffin Award material.

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Anyone seen Fuk? Just asking for a friend.....

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This prick is my congressscritter. The same loser who did nothing to help Capitol police when a mob of thugs was violently attacking the same building he now has such reverence for. What a piece of shit.

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OMFG ben wikler is my total boyfriend.

also, he has been for a while.

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He was reportedly really upset about John Oliver’s book A Day In The Life Of Marlon Bundo. Well played, John, well played.

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Ta, Evan. Good night, beloved Wonketteers. I love and appreciate you all and I bless us all with love, health, peace, and grace. Thunder and lightning outdoors, sweetness and light within. My darling fiancé Meccalopolis cooked an Asian watercress and mushroom dish for dinner. Spectacular. Please stay safe.

Slava Ukraini. 🌻🇺🇦💙💛

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So who’s the bigger idiot, Waltine Nauta or Carlos De Oliveira? That they haven’t flipped on tfg speaks to seriously arrested development.

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And, funnily enough, developed into them being arrested.

*gets coat*

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We're not done yet, and given Donnie's rep for paying people they both have to be a bit shaky.

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If you knew librarians like I know librarians; you'd know he's just letting them unleash their inner kink.

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Sounds like Abbott's Texas ... sheesh!

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They will then erect a sign overhead that says "Arbeit Macht Frei"...

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