The schadenfreude should wear off eventually, right?

If your schadenfreude lasts longer than 4 weeks, who DO you contact?

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It's the sign of a truly cheap, uncaring fuck. You mean to tell me he couldn't spring for one of those $150 Whole Foods prepared turkey meals they sell? You have to be a real asshole to server your son and grandkids Boston Market on a special occasion, when you clearly can do better. So, so lame.

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no way republicans are letting him get NEAR the presidency again. and their 'a-list' will be coming off the fence for 2016.

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does this mean i can't get their chicken pot pie anymore?

man that would suck.

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all's well that ends well.

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<i>By all accounts, the past month has been most difficult on Romney’s wife, Ann, who friends said believed up until the end that ascending to the White House was their destiny. </i>

i cannot describe how loathsome i find this woman.

(sorry no snark - just thankful i don't have to live with myself living with egg romney in the white house...)

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Mitt spent a lot of time telling us why we should vote for him, but did he ever say WHY he wanted to be POTUS?

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Visuals, please. I want a photo of them strolling the beach at San Clemente. Sobbing.

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Don't cry for me Argentina

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Nope, the schadenfreude <em>still</em> hasn't got old.

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Who else will make sure we have enough room for living?

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I always thought of the taste of Laphroaig as being more like dirt... until my employers left a bottle of the 25 year old inadequately hidden behind an open bar with undertrained staff - it's a whole other thing, and were I as rich as Mitt, that'd be my go-to. Sadly I just can't seem to find a spare $450 for a bottle.

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Raul Castro?

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Cocoa Beach, here. You?

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There's only two ways to drink scotch: neat, and the wrong way.

Well, <em>maybe</em> three, but very few of us have access to ice cubes made with water from the same spring as the whiskey.

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