I always assumed her womb was a barren as her soul.

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Coulter thinks of herself as too sexxy for the Fundies. And I'm sure the REAL fundies think of her as a total slut.

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Snark off, if it wasn't for us lieberals watching for our contempt-gasms, would anyone be watching Devilwoman at all?

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or a horse face from a horse's ass

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Yeah sure, Democrats are all about fooling the unintelligent, which is why the more education you have, the more likely you are to vote Democratic.

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Duh Gov' pushed Ann Falter off the stage much like the Kardashians gave poor Paris Hilton the old heave-ho...

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Nope. She's written one book over and over and over again...

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The old definition of a celebrity was someone well known for being famous.

Just what are Ann Falter's - or Katie Pavlov's or Dana Louche's or any of the Foxtwats' - qualifications for offering an opinion on much of anything?

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<em>If they can get the bottom 51 percent of voters, in terms of knowledge and IQ, they’re perfectly happy. I can fool 51 percent of the people, that’s enough to win.</em>

I'm pretty sure your party has a hammerlock on that segment of the population, Ann.

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Soon, she will be explaining that she didn't leave the Republican Party, the Party left her. To what, is the question. Know Nothing? National Socialist?

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Why would Scott Brown give a "Thanks for being a Lady Hero" plaque to Ann Coultergeist? None of the categories fit. Might as well give her a Best New Latino Artist Emmy.

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She walked around Manhattan for ten hours and no one said anything.

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Thanks to that Muslim Socialist colored fellow in the White House, my retirement savings have grown to the point I can retire. But I need Obamacare until I'm 65. Otherwise, I am uninsurable and (unfortunately) I <i>need</i> health insurance. So when Coulter and the Reptards brag about repealing it, they are trying to kill me. They are the death panel.

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That's no lady! That's Hermaphrobot!!

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like a 17 year locust, only not as pleasant

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<i>The Hot Conservative Chick</i>

She's no Joni Ernst

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