Nice Mitt Romney Head Sister Wife In Charge Ann Romney made a boner today when asked whether her husband was too "stiff." Here, let us let Twitter tell the story:
Ann Romney used to give a bunch of dough to Planned Parenthood, so we are fairly sure that she is not a sad homeschooled ninny who doesn't know how babies are made. In fact, we are beginning to think she did this on purpose, to win a coveted Wonkette Comment of the Day Award (Mitt Romney's Pecker Edition), because she's secretly a slutty and kick-ass abortion machine. So which of you guys is Ann Romney? [ Twitter ]
No, it's not just you. It's all of us, really.
Even Ann.
Reminds me of one of the great Tonight Show moments that probably never happened.
Johnny Carson was interviewing Mrs. Arnold Palmer.
Carson: "Do you do anything special to bring your husband luck before a tournament?"
Mrs. Palmer: "I kiss his balls."
Carson: "I bet that makes his putter stand up."