I want to see egg ride the dancing horse across the George Washington Bridge's closed lanes in the middle of the polar vortex

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As if he didn't already fit the persona of a Pointy-Haired Boss...

"Must touch..." *ZAP* "Must... touch... second... time..."

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"He carried his own clothes" and "put his bagel in the toaster"!!?? WTF, is that code for something? I made it to 1:23 before slipping into a coma.

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Arrested Development ref.

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Only Georg Cantor knows.

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So, we get Laura's Bush talking like a regular person, and now Queen Ann being ... Egg.

I can hardly wait to click to the next item.

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Human veneer, you mean?

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No one can stand up to her Jurassic Toenail Style

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She does not realize that she has a coddled existence.

Or, since it's Chinese New Year today, should we consider the prospect of a thousand year old Egg?

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Does anyone know the original source of the Nixon comment? It's a favorite, but I've never been able to find the real citation.

Oh, and no: nothing would get me to click on that video. Barf.

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<i>“We lost, but truly the country lost, by not having Mitt as president,”</i>

Yeah, no, I don't think so my dear. Also, with all your money why do you always look like you just threw something on to flee a burning building?

Girlfriend needs Ru Paul on speed dial.

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Still not as sad as Michele Bachmann on not getting the nomination:<i> [Al] HUNT: You are remaining above the fray. But you sat in, in almost a dozen debates with these people. You have a feel for them. Let me ask you this. Who is the more conservative of these four candidates left? BACHMANN: I was. I was the perfect candidate. . . . America had their chance with the perfect candidate.</i>

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Oh boy! I'm DEFINITELY watching this one!!!

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Well, bless her heart. Or unreasonable facsimile thereof...

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Where is that fish / canary shirt she always wears on FOX? Definitely missing it.

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