Hmm, interesting that the Romney family still owns Sankaty. Sankaty is part of the Bain empire, and indeed one of the Bain components that <a href="http:\/\/www.motherjones.com\/politics\/2012\/07\/romney-bain-abortion-stericycle-sec" target="_blank">owned chunks of Stericycle</a> that the Romney campaign is claiming that Mitt had absolutely nothing to do with because he had absolutely nothing to do with Bain after February '99 even though he was signing SEC filings in November '99 saying he had sole control.

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"Don't kill Mitt while he is any of our compounds. It will be too much work to clean up the mess."

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“That’ll change,” Mitt Romney assured her. “That’ll come with time.”

Thanks to modern mood altering drugs no doubt.

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What the FUCK is on that dress? a long necked canary? some sort of fish?

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"The Bermuda company had almost no assets, according to Romney's 2010 tax returns."

Yet it "earned" $1,900,000. In Bermuda. I too have almost no assets, but evidently I'm doing it wrong.

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In her favor she seems less drugged than Laura Bush.

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Ever been in a situation where the ATM swallows your debit card and the service guy behind the impenetrable wall cuts it half before you can petition on your knees to retrieve it?

The media should do this to the Mittens assault on the intelligence of multi-celled lifeforms.

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