I doubt that he's been <i>lying</i> on his tax returns, but the thing about the eleventy-million-page Internal Revenue Code is that there's about a hundred pages that applies to the 99.9%, and all the rest is specialized loopholes and money-printing shit for the very rich. I expect that a thorough analysis of Rmoney's returns would reveal vigourous use of these sections of the code during the years when he was building his fortune.

Also, there's a chance that there may be some transactions that were actually illegal according to contemporaneous IRS interpretation of the code, but which they never bothered to pursue (or simply didn't notice). In most cases, the statute of limitations will have expired, but it would still make a good story.

Basically, I think his records will show that he didn't make his fortune by "running a business", but by "jacking the system".

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Whoops...meant to add "...on the Daily Show last night" to the first sentence.

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...and the horse she rode in on.

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Don't get her started on the nails girls.

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And correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the most complained-about "attack" consist of an Obama campaign staffer saying only that if Rmoney lied on the SEC filings, that would be a felony?

("He is the problem" would be more problematic to me if the same (phenomenal!) ad didn't set up that punchline so thoroughly...)

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I'm still open to the chance that the returns are pure as the driven snow, and his advisers are exercising foresight for once and letting us getting all frothy about 'em. Except that every day Mitt and Ann try to, um, "dressage" the issue hurts their image worse with the swing voters... (Why are they unwilling to do what every other major candidate has done, hmmmm?)

Anyhooo, I'm really looking forward to widespread revelations of the <a href="http:\/\/www.balloon-juice.com\/2012\/07\/18\/how-mitt-saved-the-olympics\/" target="_blank">Olympics bribery scandal</a>!

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Oh, I think we can be pretty sure he gives 10% to the LSD Church. They pay attention to that shit.

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"We give 10 percent of our income to our church every year. "

That's all? With most churches I know of, 10% is the <i>minimum</i> for a tithe you cheap whore.

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"You people" Non-Mormons or the 99%?

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Now I hate the Romney's a little bit more.

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Condescending bitch.

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I would take her more seriously if she also said "And Obama has given you people all you need about his past. So shut the fuck up Sununu, Arpaio, Trump, Bachmann, Palin, Limbaugh...."

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I know I can't be the only one who enjoyed the montage of Republican pundits asking for every document they could think of for Barack Obama.

(To the fuckers credit, though, a lot of conservatives have been saying Mitt should release them.)

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And the Mormon Church turns around and uses that money to fix roads and employ firefighters and teachers, right?

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