I once served on a jury where the guy accused of stalking represented himself. Despite numerous warnings from the judge, the guy insisted on mentioning all of his previous convictions for stalking. Despite that, we still found him guilty.He's probably out by now, perhaps Trump can hire him as his legal representative? This didn't happen in the US, but this doesn't seem to be a problem for Trump's Crack Legal.

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I simply cannot understand how these people cannot burn themselves into holes in the earth caused by the fiery embarrassment of their incompetence. FFS, how can you even imagine filing something in a court where you are not admitted?

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They are actually Deep Staters. They are protecting us from the madness that is Trump.

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Trump believes it; Trump is mentally disturbed. His lawyers,* on the other hand, see this as an opportunity to damage the legal system, because they are (drumroll) fascists.

*No, not the clown car lawyers; the ones who work for far-right Washington think tanks.

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MINUS steve kornacki, PLEEZ!!!

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The Owl Defense is famous as one of the least plausible appeal efforts ever mounted by a glaringly guilty, violent fuckwad of a human being.

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I don't understand why there is not more action taken against people who are fully qualified and have experience and still fail at law

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For the stupidity of our adversaries, Allah make us truly grateful, amen.

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The sad thing is that this folksy homespun Jimmy Stewart wannabe local small-town mouthpiece undoubtedly thinks he's saving America from socialism, and will be shocked when people start shouting at him for trying to destroy democracy.

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1. His real lawyers are very very competent. We now have the names of a couple of them and they are nowhere in the public eye.

2. These lawsuits are not supposed to go anywhere. They are PR. The more the lawyers look lik jus' plain folks who are going up against The System, the better.*

3. Given the above, the cheaper the better.

*See newer thread, Tucker Carlson playing exactly this card: "Virtually every power center on Earth joined the cause. That included big business, Wall Street, the defense establishment, pharma, the permanent bureaucracy in Washington and above all, Silicon Valley. All of these power centers worked tirelessly from the day Biden got the nomination until the first Tuesday in November to bypass voters and get Joe Biden to the White House." In other words, the REAL power centers, the really big ones, are not the Presidency, the White House, the billionaires who own Fox and much other media, the billionaires who fund ALEC and are paying for all the lawsuits, the banks who want Trump's deregulation fever to continue, etc. etc. No, The System is rigged against those little guys by Google.

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If Trump actually had a leg to stand on in any of these cases, I might actually have some sympathy for him (not really) having such incompetent lawyers. But the fact that his claims are utterly baseless probably has something to do with why all the competent election lawyers have stampeded away from him and he's stuck with these morons.

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Why would he mention his own past convictions? Did he think being convicted of stalking before meant he was less likely to do it again?

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OR, now hear me out here, it was OWLS. A flock of vicious, talon-happy owls that attacked that poor woman, then left her to accidentally fall down the stairs and die. Still not clear on how many owls it was, but the logic seems pretty airtight.

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First Rule of Claims (from a claimant’s perspective): Obey deadlines!

Why allow the other side to dismiss your valid claim without reading it? Believe me, the “stale claim goes bad” phenomenon is quite real, because laches. The ‘constructive knowledge defense’ (owner knew without saying so) is a really bad way to start a claim process. For example, owner’s rep sees additional grading from changed conditions not in the drawings. Contractor blows a deadline for a ‘notice of claim’ letter for a valid claim, but owner refuses to pay.

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That could become part of the Wonkette lexicon.

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