Gun nuts already ignore the "well regulated militia" part of Second Amendment. Now they're working on the "keep and bear arms" part.
(Not for nothing, but abandoning a gun should be a crime. Punishable by losing the gun.)
Speaking of Larry Craig, it occurred to me while I was seated in a stall the other day that in order to sit on the crapper with a wide stance you have to take your pants completely off. Who does that?
And of course he's going to get the gun back. Because it would be worse than slavery to tell this moron "No, you left a dangerous weapon where anyone could take it. Therefore, you are not a 'responsible gun owner' and we're keeping it as found property."
Let your 9 year old go to the crowded park while trying to make a living, Jail. Leave a loaded gun in bathroom, have to answer some questions about how it looks before you pick it up. Makes sense. As long as the gun isn't emotionally damaged that is.
"Could you describe the weapon you left, sir?"
Just another patriot ROLLIN' COAL
James Bond?
Open Crapper, Carolina
Up until now, if was the fleet of Rascals that scared me the most there.
I think that was Target.
Have you seen <a href="http:\/\/\/" target="_blank"></a>?
Survival of the FATTEST
So you&#039;re more of a Narrow Stance guy?
Gun nuts already ignore the &quot;well regulated militia&quot; part of Second Amendment. Now they&#039;re working on the &quot;keep and bear arms&quot; part.
(Not for nothing, but abandoning a gun should be a crime. Punishable by losing the gun.)
Speaking of Larry Craig, it occurred to me while I was seated in a stall the other day that in order to sit on the crapper with a wide stance you have to take your pants completely off. Who does that?
And of course he&#039;s going to get the gun back. Because it would be worse than slavery to tell this moron &quot;No, you left a dangerous weapon where anyone could take it. Therefore, you are not a &#039;responsible gun owner&#039; and we&#039;re keeping it as found property.&quot;
Let your 9 year old go to the crowded park while trying to make a living, Jail. Leave a loaded gun in bathroom, have to answer some questions about how it looks before you pick it up. Makes sense. As long as the gun isn&#039;t emotionally damaged that is.