Sir Humphrey Appleby would approve.

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Ta, Crip Dyke. I. Just. Can't. Even.

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Good GOD I hope the Tories get absolutely slaughtered next election and some sanity finally comes back to the UK.

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This is the argument that I've always heard against public health/single-payer in the US. Imagine what medical services would be denied under a Republican trifecta.

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Brit here (not in England, thankfully). Public statements by Sunak and others definately lead me towards the "actively trying to inflict as much pain on trans people and families as possible" theory.

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OT, sort of. (Dealing with anti-trans state legislation in Louisiana.)

I just walked out of a Louisiana Senate committee hearing about the goddamn bathroom bill. Highlights include:

- A woman who sat in front of the four bored committee members who were actually there and asked “Are my breasts obscene? If they are, I’m a woman. If not, then I am happy to unbutton this blouse for you.”

- Someone from Forum for Equality tried appealing to the metaphorical wallet. North Carolina tried a bathroom bill, and the NBA pulled multiple events. With the Super Bowl coming next year, would it not suck for the NFL to pull over $100 million in business from the state?

Of course the bill’s author, in closing remarks, pulled out the tired and ridiculous “cis guy in a dress” nonsense, as though the only thing to keep girls in bathrooms safe is to ban guys in dresses from the ladies room. And note that the sole concern is little girls. Boys? Apparently, they don’t matter!

I just want to know where they expect people like me to pee. Go in one, I could get sued because Karen Boudreaux thought I might have dangly bits. (HB608 says someone can sue another for “indirect injury,” so some numpty with a grudge who feels scared could go to court for thousands of bucks.) If I go into the other, I could get harassed, beaten, or worse.

My final point is this: How would one even consider enforcing such a law? Outside of absolutely shredding the Fourth Amendment, it would be impossible. Law enforcement couldn’t ask a woman to lift her skirt (unreasonable search) and if anyone else did it it would fall under sexual harassment. The literal Gestapo line “papers please” would also be unreasonable search.

I’m frustrated. And hungry.

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> How would one even consider enforcing such a law?

It's not about enforcement, it's about making you so afraid of enforcement, that you're unwilling to exist in public.


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I am truly sorry that you are on the receiving end of this f-wadery. And also awed by your brilliance and bravery in going to these hearings.

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I'm assuming this is one of the "sex at birth" bans. Not sure how they intend to handle post-op transgender women. Are there exceptions? Is someone going to ask to do a full blown investigation of the dangly bits at birth?

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As far as I could tell, no exceptions exist in the bill. But I would *love* to watch the ACLU or someone hand a plaintiff their whole ass ion a platter in court over how to determine who belongs in what bathroom.

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I hate these weaselshits so much.

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Gender dysphoria is a term that describes a sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity. This sense of unease or dissatisfaction may be so intense it can lead to depression and anxiety and have a harmful impact on daily life. As such it is a disease or condition which warrants medical treatment

Now as is the case with many diseases and conditions. we have allowed societal whims and prejudices to enter into the medical arena.. Of course that invites, even encourages, political, and religious types types to weigh in with their two cents. Senator Cornpone and Rev Mostholy now demand the authority to decide what medical treatments are appropriate That must be stopped if we ever hope to make any advances in the science and practice of medicine.

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Did you know that socially conservative reactionary trash that have no science on their side should get to dictate how society functions?

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AS long as they keep getting voted into office.

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So, are NHS-Scotland, or -Wales, or -NI any better on this?

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See, this is the sort of bigotry plus bland bureaucratic misdirection that really brings fear to my heart that conservatives here will figure out how to pull this off. Right now they're just screaming at the dials and banging on the keyboard -- but if the settle down and read the instructions, we could be fucked.

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The Brits are supposed to be better than this, darn it.

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My Irish Catholic ancestors didn't believe that for a second. At least since the time of Cromwell.

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David Tennant is pretty awesome, though you do have to wonder why he feels compelled to do that Scottish accent in interviews:


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I LOVE David Tennant, even before I knew he was a vocal supporter of trans kids. His wearing of Crooked Media's shirt about leaving trans kids alone was great too: https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/07/11/david-tennant-t-shirt-leave-trans-kids-alone-reactions/

As an aside, if you like news/comedy, his hosting of Have I Got News for You last year is delightful and hilarious (and he even has the Scottish accent! ;) https://youtu.be/c8SoyEBlv6w?si=mGN5pkaWUKcnsifh

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He is Scottish, born and raised

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I did know that. I was having a bit of fun at Mr. Tennant's expense. I do hope I didn't wound him too deeply, of course, but if I can't take him down a peg here on Wonkette, where can I?

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He's allowed that, being a Scot!

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Keep making special allowances for them and the wee beasties will sint all agley. Still, wink at small faults, I say.

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Everyone's getting gender reassignment surgery 'cept Mamma Cass.

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Chef's Kiss!

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Regardless of which side of the pond you're on the fact remains that orange men are manipulative villains self-righteously determining who shall receive and those whom they insist should not exist at all.

[seethes resentfully...]

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Actually Trump gave a voice to a downtrodden minority. "The Bullies" Seems that we had started treating them badly

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Hmm. May have to start doing that again, in earnest.

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"But...Sooo unfair. I demand my right to act like a total ass!!"- Trump

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Kindly stand aside so that I may provide a more thorough thumping.

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Kinda puts a negative spin on that style of healthcare, as wow can the government if it so chooses can really fuck with patients.

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