'Member when we turned away a boatload of Jewish refugees because, well, Jewish, back in the day?

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Hands are...

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If I understand Rahm correctly, Medicare For All would eliminate private-sector health insurance, currently provided mainly by businesses to their employees, leaving these employees without health insurance, but would only provide health insurance to those who don't currently have it (and the illeagles, of course), doing nothing more than switching the current status of the two groups.

Yeah, that about sounds like how Democrats would approach this issue.

Oh wait. My bad. That's how Republicans would approach this problem if they didn't think they'd lose any votes from all the people who lost their insurance and could, at the same time, own the libs.

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I was perplexed why Doturd would cite this attack as thee example when no Americans died in it.

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There'd have to be a black hooker exemption, because some of those conservative fellers ain't quite as white bread as they'd have you believe.

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That people like their insurance companies is a Republican talking point that is utter nonsense. People don't like their insurance companies. They're grateful to have insurance and put up with all the bullshit companies put them through because they know how much worse it would be without coverage.

People like the doctors they've cultivated relationships with and don't want to lose that.

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As for Rahm: Fuck off, Mayor 1%. Feel free to stop helping anytime.

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It might mess up his hair.

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Pompeo reminds me the last time I was in the restroom at Walmart--I pushed the button on the hand dryer and there was a lot of noise and hot air coming out of it with no effect. Can't these fuckers answer a simple question without piling the horseshit to the ceiling?

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BRB - changing my middle name to "Mesmerized by Adam Driver"

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I actually don't blame Trump for any of this.


Nobody made that racist rat run for office.

Well - I mean, other than Putin. And his own delusions of grandeur.

But you GET HELP for those. You don't STEW in them and then get to be absolved of blame.

That doesn't mean the people who VOTED for him, and the people who continue to ENABLE him, don't ALSO deserve a WHOLE LOT of blame.

But there isn't a FINITE amount of blame to go around that somehow exonerates the Fraudulent White House Occupant. That is not the way this works.

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Sabbath Gasbag shows

This phrase is something.

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not mine- Calvin Trillin is the man who done thunk it first.

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I would suppose the same as Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich.

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Or The Beast (1988)

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If we don't win this election, it's because we are a bunch of idiots, who listened to the far left fringe of our party. Our two successful Democratic presidents of the past 50 years, were both very centrist. I'd go so far as to call them moderate Republicans. We aren't going to win with fucking Bernie Sanders.

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